General Question

syz's avatar

Have you experienced "yelow haze"?

Asked by syz (35943points) April 12th, 2013

Here in the southeast, we have an annual trial to endure known as pine pollen season. When the wind blows, it looks like theres a forest fire with greenish-yellow smoke. Does this happen anywhere besides the southeast? Or do you have a similar phenomenon?

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16 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It happens here in Lafayette CA as the Monterey Pines all over town release their pollen. Cars, streets, lawns, all turn yellow. One year left a scum on a swimming pool and clogged the filter.

And if the breeze picks up clouds roll across town.

JLeslie's avatar

The worst I ever experienced was in Raleigh, NC. I never saw anything like it. One afternoon I looked out my window while at work, and I thought a truck had dumped something all over my car. It must have been 6 inches thick that day, no lie. From one morning!

In the Memphis, TN area we also had a lot of pollen. Not like Raleigh, but close.

dxs's avatar

Definitely not here in Massachusetts.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Pretty horrible here in NJ. I do live in the Pine Barrens after all.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, last year our car was covered by greenish-yellow gunk. It is late starting this year, because the temperature just warmed up.

DominicX's avatar

I know this happens in Lake Tahoe and I’ve seen things coated with a layer of yellow before. Thank God I really don’t get allergies…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cape Cod at Nickerson Park camping on Cliff Pond camp site in the middle 1960’s. It looked like the edge of the pond had yellow custard on it. The surface of the water was light yellow.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We get a very very light version some Springs. It hasn’t warmed up enough yet here in NY.

Judi's avatar

It’s just refinery guck and farm chemicals with occasional almond pollen here. Then again we have the worst most dangerous pollution in the nation. It’s grey/brown not yellow.

janbb's avatar

We get about two weeks of a light green gunk over everything sometime in the Spring in New Jersey.

Crumpet's avatar

i clicked on this question genuinely thinking this was going to be a question about a particular strain of weed.yellow haze definitely sounds like weed.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Out in the NorthWest when forest fires break out from lightening or human carelessness, we get reddish brown skies, showers of wood ash and amazing but early sunsets. Not the same cause but the effect is quite impressive.

elbanditoroso's avatar

You mean like the last two weeks here in Atlanta? It has been just awful. One good thing about the severe thunderstorms last night was that it washed away a whole lot of the pollen. (and my car is cleaner, too)

ninjacolin's avatar

I’ve never seen anything like that. I would like to see a video of it, if anyone knows of one or can capture one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ninjacolin Here ya go North Carolina pine trees.

newtscamander's avatar

We experienced something similar while living in South Korea, but it doesn’t seem to be the same thing.

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