General Question

marmoset's avatar

Any way to directly download an audio source file when the web page is using a javascript audio player (that doesn't use filenames like "x.mp3")?

Asked by marmoset (1341points) February 8th, 2015

(I know apps exist for recording system audio as it plays, and I will do that if there’s no other solution – I’m just asking to see if there’s any way to download this source file directly.)

Here is how the source code for the player appears when I view the page’s source code—basically instead of a regular source file name, there is a single long string of seemingly random characters (if it’s not clear, anything within bracket signs below [] is me removing info to preserve my question’s anonymity):

<script type=“text/javascript”>AudioPlayer.embed(“audioplayer_1”, {titles:”[title removed]”,soundFile:“aHR0[many characters removed]tcDM”});

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5 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Could try to see if you can find the resource.

marmoset's avatar

Thank you, but that doesn’t see any audio resources on the page.

XOIIO's avatar

It may be stored as a java file then.

funkdaddy's avatar

It look like they’re encoding the filename to be the “soundFile” variable.

You’d probably start by looking at the javascript file that contains the AudioPlayer.embed function and see how they’re encoding/decoding the file name. It should be named above the <script> tag you showed, but will have a src=“filename” attribute. That might help if you’re comfortable walking through a javascript file.

Another way would be to use a network monitor (firebug would be an easy one to try) to see what files are being streamed. You can view all network activity and it would show where that connection is to.

If they’ve got it set up to not be available, you still won’t be able to grab the file directly, because it will be secured to only respond to that call from the player. So if you’re trying this with a major audio site, you’re probably not getting it. But worth a shot.

Vincentt's avatar

It’s very likely that it’s not possible, but without the website where the file is on, there’s no way to tell. A similar file on the same website would be fine as well.

Otherwise, there’s no way anybody here can help you with this specific issue. Although what @funkdaddy says: a different option is to see whether you can see the file being transmitted in the network tab of your browser’s web developer tools. Then again, I think the odds of this working are low.

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