General Question

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Jewelry Buffs: Which of these gold tie clips is a better buy?

Asked by LeavesNoTrace (5677points) December 2nd, 2015

Need an elegant 18K gold tie pin with button hole chain for my boyfriend’s Christmas Gift. Stuck between these two items. The Wolf and Badger one is more on-trend and cool looking but the vintage Etsy one is super classic and a better value?

Which do you prefer?

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6 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

As a guy who wears ties, I prefer the look of the Etsy. It looks distinguisehd and classic.

The Wold and Badger one – I don’t like the shape – the sharp point. It strikes me as aggressive and unfriendly.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Thanks @elbanditoroso

I also think that the Etsy one is much higher quality as it’s 750 mark 18 rather than 18K? It’ll need a little polishing but it’s otherwise quite handsome and seems to be a better investment.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Sorry meant to say the Etsy one is 18K 750 mark rather than 18K plated like the W&B one.

chyna's avatar

After clicking on your link, I’m now getting advertisements on my Facebook from Wolfandbadger.

Jeruba's avatar

And I’m getting them on another site. I’m sorry I looked.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Hey guys, I’m sorry about the ads. I didn’t realize that that would happen. If it’s still a problem, you can use this link to learn ways to block them.

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