Oh boy :D
As for the refugees, it’s quite a tough question. On one hand, these people deserve help. I have met many saying they should stay and “fight for their country”, but I understand the will to run away. War is a fight or flight situation. If you can’t fight, you flight. There is nothing to be ashamed in wanting to keep your head on your shoulders and get your family in a safer place. I actually support countries that are willing to help these people.
There is a problem, though. First of all, the problem is in the refugees who are not refugees at all. There is a huge number of people who blend in and act like refugees, but in fact come from Afghanistan, Iran or other places who are not in a war at all. Their goal is actually simply moving to a richer country, especially if that country has a system that would provide you house and/or financial security, despite not knowing the language and having no education to help the country you live in instead of being the county’s permanent guest.
In my opinion, these people are a problem. A huge one. They come to live like bedouins, but have nothing in return to offer to the country that takes them in.
People mix the two, thinking that all refugees are parasites who come to destroy Europe. More on that later.
The second problem is another, far more dangerous, well organized group that uses the refugee situation. ISIS.
ISIS have mentioned that one of their strategies is to blend in with the refugees and “invade” Europe that way. There have been some cases of police identifying some of the refugees being the members of the ISIS or at lest connected with them.
The third problem is the media. Attacks in France, Germany, Turkey etc have been used for a lot of things, most of those being creating an agenda against refugees and Islam. Not one person mentioned that these people were not immigrants at all, but Arabs living in France their whole lives. (still ISIS members, though). The boy who attacked people in Germany was an Iranian born in Germany. Attackers in Belgium were their people. The whole situation makes a very grim situation for people who live in Europe and have nothing to do with ISIS nor any other terrorist group, but still happen to be Muslims, or simply Arabian.
Solution? Huh, is there any?....
My “suggestion” is that there should be some sort of a system that would identify people who come from places that are not in war and not let them in. It’s unfortunate that you are poor and want to live a better life, but your life is not in danger. This is an emergency situation and cruelty is unavoidable. In my opinion, this would lower the number of people coming to Europe. Has anyone ever wondered how come so many people come from a country so small as Syria?
Another thing is that Europe in total should join in helping. So far, all the refugees are running to Germany, which puts quite a pressure on the country, If every country, or at least half of the countries in Europe decided to “share” the refugees and help with taking care of them, the pressure would be way lower. Combine that with the first suggestion and the problem may turn significantly easier to deal with.
Identifying the ISIS members among refugees as soon as possible is very important as well.
The other “solution” is to eliminate the cause of the problem itself, which is aiding Syria to get out of the war and to take ISIS down, as soon as possible.
Taking ISIS down may be a subject Muslims should deal with too, since it is also a huge religious issue as well as political, but that is another issue.
That is my “suggestion”. I may be wrong and misinformed af.