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JLeslie's avatar

What are your perfect working hours?

Asked by JLeslie (65489points) September 28th, 2016 from iPhone

If you have to work 8 hours a day, what time do you prefer to start and stop?

Are the hours you chose because of sleep habits, family obligations, or some other reason?

Do you prefer M-F? Or, rather break up your two days off?

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16 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

10 – 7 is the best I’ve found if you’re going somewhere to work in a city.

You miss the worst of rush hour on each side, can do a few things in the morning and don’t have to wake up super early, and then still home in time to enjoy your evening.

Few businesses really support it, and if you have kids it’s tough, but it’s how I like to work if I can. Days of the week don’t really matter much except for connecting with others.

Cruiser's avatar

7:30–4:30 is working well for me.

Seek's avatar

As early as possible in the AM to as early as possible in the evening. I like to have some of the day to myself after work whenever possible.

zenvelo's avatar

I have been working NY market hours but from the West Coast my whole career. While it gets hard to get up at 4, I love being home before three.

Right now, I get to the office at 6:15, leave by two. The “official” eight hour day is 6 – 2:30, but we don’t take a scheduled lunch break and we eat at our desks, so we get leniency on the hours.

Works out great. I was always home when the kids got out of school.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Anything less than the 4AM to midnight I worked two weeks one summer. That was 1988.

chyna's avatar

I work 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. I love these hours as I miss rush hour traffic. It takes me about a half hour to drive each way to and from work. It would take about 45 minutes if I left later.

tinyfaery's avatar

Never to never.

Realistically, 10am-6pm

Zaku's avatar

Flex. Whenever I am most rested and inspired, and least distracted. Early mornings and late nights tend to be good. Oh and napping helps reset that. A wise employer would have me nap regularly to reset my freshness.

BellaB's avatar

I like 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with either no lunch or a late lunch. A long morning with a short afternoon work best for me. Then I have what’s left of the afternoon/evening for my life.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I like @tinyfaery‘s answer. 10–6 sounds pretty good. I don’t prefer to wake up early, so that gives me time to wake up and work out and take my time getting ready and enjoy my coffee. I hate rushing in the mornings, it’s the worst way to start a day, in my opinion. If I need to be somewhere at 9am, I will wake up at 6am just to have plenty of time to do everything that I need to do without feeling rushed.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Ideally, I would like to work from 11pm – 7am as I am a night owl but the society basically shut down near midnight and the only jobs that fit my description are hotel jobs for the night shift. Many people just don’t realize how beautiful it is the environment at night. Peace, tranquility, freedom, all only exist exclusively at night yet people like to competitively huddle in crowd when the sun is annoyingly bright and hot. Most of the working system where I live dictate that businesses open from monday to saturday so most employees will only have one free day in a week which is sunday, unlike Western culture where saturday and sunday are the free days, so there’s no point to divide my single free day.

jca's avatar

Right now I work 9:30 to 5:30 which is to pick up my daughter at after-school I have to get her by 6:30 and I can have up to an hour ride, depending on traffic. In the morning, I miss the worst rush hour traffic. I still get heavy traffic, but it’s not the max. Maximum is around 8 a.m.

If I had no child or if I were older and child were out of the home, maybe as late as 11 to 7. I love a leisurely morning where I don’t have to rush up and out, watching the clock every minute and gulping down my coffee. If I worked those hours and I wanted to leave early to go to dinner or something, I’d leave an hour or two early at the end of the work day if I had to. Also, sometimes I’m up in the middle of the night and then falling back asleep around 6 a.m. If I didn’t have to be to work until 11, I could get a few hours of sleep in the early morning.

I hate rushing in the mornings. On weekends, I really enjoy not having to rush out the door. If I have an appointment, like for hair, I try not to make it too early.

Mimishu1995's avatar

5 p.m to 11 p.m is the best for me, judging from my daily lifestyle. I’m a bit of a night owl and I work the best in the early evening. No noon work for me, that’s the time I recharge my energy.

It’s hard to find any kind of work that is kind to my sleep habit. Most jobs I can think of require staying up at noon. And I’m the most worn out at that time! Another reason why I want to be my own boss.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve enjoyed working flexible hours for years. 10–11 until 5–6-7. I also was self employed and still am basically. I love being able to loiter in the morning, ease into full wakefulness over a couple of hours.
My peak production time is 11–7 but in my new work situation of pet and house sitting I usually am up and at ‘em between 7:30 and 9 a.m. for the morning duties whether here or the other home I sit for. This week Fri.-Sun. I will be going over to a gig at 9 a.m. for about an hour of duties then back in the afternoon for several more hours. I like these gigs, good pay for just a couple hours of duties and chores. My retirement job for years to come now.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Coloma Sounds like a buddy of mine that is work for a winery in the tasting room.

Coloma's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I used to pour at a winery too, yep, 11–5 perfect hours. Usually you get out around 6, after closing time and, of course, a glass of wine. haha

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