What should happen if Trump fires Mueller?
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Then he gets accused of obstruction of justice.
Also CNN anchors will get a collective tantric orgasm. For the new material. “BREAKING NEWS”.
Protests in the streets will erupt.
If Trump fires Mueller, Congress should fire Trump.
They got a massive tax cut for the rich through. Donors are happy. It would be a good time impeach. He is no longer needed. They can sit on cruise control for the next six months while all eyes are on impeachment for obstruction. And really, I doubt Trump would even fight it. He would probably walk away silently into the night.
At this point it would be a stupid thing to do, because it would amount to poking a hornet’s nest for nothing. It’s too late to deflect Mueller’s investigation. Whatever he has uncovered or discovered would survive his dismissal and be exposed anyway.
I guess it would depend on why he fired Mueller. If it came to light that Mueller was running a crooked investigation, then firing would be warranted. If Trump just got tired of Mueller poking around, then I would suggest that obstruction of justice charges should be considered. The way things are going, I’m giving a 50–50 chance to either of these cases taking place. It is starting to look like most of Mueller’s investigation is tainted by Strozk. Evidence he produced is now suspect and that is really the bedrock of the investigation. If there was really a concern of Russia and Trump colluding to hack the DNC computers (which still seems so odd to me….why that? Why not Hillary’s private server?), then the evidence should be clean. And because of the damage Strozk has done to the credibility of the investigation, Mueller should consider stepping down and asking for a replacement, who would need to start all over, avoiding all Strozk related “evidence”. It would be the cleanest way to proceed. If Mueller suddenly toted out all sorts of charges against Trump, the Trump followers would call it biased because of Strozk’s influence. It would be a mess. If he steps aside and another prosecutor steps in to investigate, removing all the team Mueller had with him and starting fresh, there would be a better chance of believing the results.
There are plenty of arguments and opinions that say he can’t. Enough that even if he tried it would wind up in the courts, and ultimately the SC.
It’s the AG’s job. And he has recused himself, so it would be Rod Rosenstein’s job, the guy who hired Mueller in the first place.
But it seems to me the majority of people who are speculating that he might, are people who also seem to be dedicated to being critical of everything he does. They are engaging in speculation as if the speculation was itself proof of wrongdoing.
Not that he doesn’t merit plenty of criticism. He brings alot of shit on himself.
But there is clearly an industry centered around making sure that he is always presented in the most unfavorable way possible. And the speculation about firing Mueller is an example of that.
It’s fascinating that with indictments and convictions already resulting from this investigation, the necessity for heaping discredit on Mueller suddenly becomes paramount. Strozk was dumped for the indiscretion of saying out loud what everybody knows. I mean if even the Secretary of State, our supposed high water mark on diplomacy, can be provoked to declare his President a fkn moron, you have to wonder why it is that there should be such stiff consequences to simply acknowledging the truth
Hey, can we FIRE Comey again; that was fun !
Funny how the liberals wanted Comey fired, but when it happened they outraged
They were outraged because of WHEN it happened. The when points a powerful finger of suspicion toward the probable WHY. And the why might very well put an end to the reign of the walrus.
Without a very good reason, and there is no sign of one, firing Mueller would be very bad for Trump and would indicate there is something he is desperate to hide. He fired Comey and he is now questioning Mueller’s neutrality. He is being very defensive over an investigation which is just trying to establish the facts.
What should happen is him being run out of town by a righteously angry populace with pitchforks, then beheaded with a Guillotine, French Revolution style. His entire Cabal, too.
But instead his followers would cheer.
@SergeantQueen Think of a politician that you want out of office. Now ask yourself: do you want them out of office so bad that you’d like to see them assassinated? Tortured to death? Slowly cut into pieces on live television? Imprisoned on false charges? If not, then you can understand the difference between “I don’t think this person should be in that position” and “any situation that leads to their removal is okay with me.”
That’s how it is with the people who think Comey deserved to be fired, but are suspicious about why and how it happened. Sure, they might have wanted him fired. But that doesn’t mean they have to be okay with him being fired for the wrong reasons. I think OJ Simpson should have gone to jail for the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, but I’m not okay with Mark Fuhrman planting evidence.
The lesson here is that why we do something can be just as important as what we do.
Remember. After Trump fired Comey, he heavily endorsed Mueller. What, 6 months ago?
Now they are working hard, to discredit Mueller. Probably because they are going to fire him too. More obstruction of justice.
I think the noise against Mueller is preemptive. It looks like the conclusions from his investigation will be absolute bombshells. When that occurs, you want worshipers indoctrinated to ignore the message and focus instead on the supposed corruption of the messenger.
^That’s what I’m worried about.
Trump has no reason to fire Mueller and never said he was going to.
Muellers investigation was prompted by the phony Steele dossier which Hillary seems to be behind. It was used to gain warrants from the FISA courts. The Obama/Hillary party did this to spy on a rival party
I think it is time for some of you to reconsider what is really going on here. There is criminal and suspicious activity going on on very high levels, It is only a matter of time before this all plays out. Mueller’s investigation will die out slowly and has already lost its premise and credibility.
“I think it’s time for some of you to reconsider what is really going on here.”
@Yellowdog . I recommend that you follow your own advice. Wake up.sir…
@Yellowdog The Comey/Mueller investigation was prompted by US intelligence concerns about Russian interference in the electoral process. There is little doubt that Russia has been carrying out such activities against western democracies. (see Theresa Mae’s speech last month regarding Russian activities against the UK.)
The Mueller investigation remains very relevant and has not lost credibility. What is troubling is the Trump team’s attempts to discredit the investigation and why it should want to do this.
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