Is rape really about power, not sex?
“Rape is about power/control, not sex” is an oft-repeated maxim. Is it actually true, though?
If it were, wouldn’t there be more male/male rape because men often seek dominance over other men? And as women gain more power in society, will there be more rapes perpetrated by women?
I’m not sure this statement that seems to be repeated as if it an established fact really is such.
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20 Answers
My guess is lust comes before the sense of power in most cases.
Never having had the urge to rape anyone, I can’t say that I know the definitive answer. However, I did watch an Oprah episode where she interviewed a serial rapist & he said that it was a “power trip” for him. He said that with the last lady that he raped that he had just had sex with his wife & he got what he called “the urge” & he got out of bed, took a shower, & then went out looking for a victim. He described in detail how thrilling it was to be able to control the victim & the harder she fought, the more aroused he became. Whether or not he was telling the truth, I will never know for sure; but, he did sound convincing as to his motive & the ultimate outcome.
…wouldn’t there be more male/male rape… You mean like there is when women are not available?
Yes. And if they’re unable to perform for whatever reason, they blame the women and sometimes kill her.
It always sounded preposterous to me until a shrink explained the dynamic. Yet even now I can’t help but think that rape is often about more than domination.
Also, some sort of freaky hatred of women. Ted Bundy had a freaky up bringing. There is speculation that his father was also his grandfather.
Sexual abuse as a child will fuck a person up.
@tinyfaery Thank you for that excellent link. It fully answers the question.
Absolutely it is, reaches as far as rape in relationships where the sick bastard of a man thinks of his wife as an easy meal & an easy lay…a cook & a fuck.
For these losers, women are there purely to serve them whatever the cost, evil fuckers!
It’s what I’ve heard. Hard to believe, isn’t it??
It’s not at all hard for me to believe. I’ve seen it and felt it. Sex and violence are soul mates.
I don’t find it hard to believe at all.
I think I can see why many people could be confused about it or not get the idea, but it does seem to be that way.
The link tinyfaery posted above does a good job explaining.
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Why ask me?
What have you heard?
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Who you talking to @filmfann? Who specifically asked you a question?
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Rape is about erasing the humanity of women. By just seeing us as objects for their gratification only. And that we are expendable and replaceable. And useful only to them as sexual outlets. So yes rape is about power, and sex, and men just taking what they want when they want it. Luckily most men have a conscience.
Yes, it’s about power, but should be treated as a hate crime. For whatever their reason they hate women and wish to punish them.
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