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LadyMarissa's avatar

Is rape & incest a good thing?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16149points) August 15th, 2019

Details here. So, do you agree???

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30 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I get what he’s saying, historically, but irrelevant to the abortion argument based on the 3% of all abortions being due to those two issues.

ragingloli's avatar

In Alabama, it is. 96% of them are caused by rape and especially incest.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, we would have been better off in many ways if it hadn’t been done that way. The fewer the better for everyone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is murder and terrorizing women and children and hurting them a good thing?

kritiper's avatar

Rape, yes. Incest, not so much. It depends on who is doing the raping and who is doing the incesting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Rape is good thing? How do you figure?

kritiper's avatar

OOPS! Mis-spoke! I meant NO!

SEKA's avatar

Maybe he should be the first in line for the next mass shooter. The world is over populated so he makes no sense.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think people missed the man’s point. From what I can understand, he was saying that we shouldn’t put the blame on the people that were the products of rape/incest, because what’s done is done, the children did nothing wrong. I can see nothing in what he said that points to him approving rape/incest.

But then again he was accused of having connection with some Nazi group so…

SEKA's avatar

The woman who was raped did nothing wrong either and she shouldn’t have to look at the rapist’s child for the rest of her life because some male who can’t bear a child says so. She’s being raped twice for something that wasn’t her fault.

I hear a man saying if I want to rape you, you will thank me for giving you a baby.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Source on that percentage please?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think that was his point at all @Mimishu1995. I think it’s just a blathering idiot’s way of being anti-abortion.

@SEKA ”...she shouldn’t have to look at the rapist’s child for the rest of her life… what a really shitty thing to say about an innocent child. If the women feels that way, then she should give him or her up for adoption so she woun’t have to “look at it” again. And hope to god “it” never finds her ‘cuz then she’ll have to look at it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SEKA Except some women choose to have and love those babies, who go on to be good parents to their own children. Not all women choose abortion, whether it’s rape, incest, birth defects, etc…

A good friend of mine jokes about being a ‘rape baby’, he and his family still live within ten miles of the rapist. They got over it somehow, it’s a powerful story.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Dutchess_III ” If the women feels that way, then she should give him or her up for adoption so she woun’t have to “look at it” again.”

Because our adoption and foster care system isn’t severely overburden as it is.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Because it’s broken as much as the immigration system.

A coworker and his wife were Fosters of the Year and you have no idea how much work he missed, how many court appearances, how much vetting, etc…it’s a mess.

And adoption, a friend paid well over $70k not including attorney fees, for his two boys, from right here in America.

It has as much, or honestly, as little, to do with the abortion issue as immigration or any other broken govt system.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Nevertheless, it is an overburdened system, regardless of the reasons for, and shoveling more and more unwanted children into it doesn’t help that. Fix that system first, then we can talk about adoption being a feasible option.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Sure, so don’t blame Pro Life folks for that situation more than we blame liberals for adding to an already overburdened immigration system. See my point?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Being in a adoptive care, or even in foster care, would be better than being raised by a woman who can’t stand to look at you.

gorillapaws's avatar

Bad actions can have good outcomes. That doesn’t make them good.

For example someone could drink-and-drive and get into a wreck and kill a young child. Everyone would agree that’s a horrible act. What if it were possible to know that that child would have eventually grown up to become a rogue captain of a sub who launched a nuke that began WWIII and lead to nuclear Armageddon? Then killing that child may have ultimately had a very positive outcome for humanity, but that still wouldn’t make the act of driving drunk right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have always belief that each of us has incest and rape somewhere in our genetic line. And yeah. Without those acts we, individually, wouldn’t be here.
But that doesn’t mean it’s OK. Society will procreated and move on just FINE without those acts.
Sounds to me like Steve King is a filthy old man who gets his jollys off thinking about raping girls young enough to be his daughter….or maybe his granddaughters.

anniereborn's avatar

I’m sorry, but I’d have to say, I would not want to carry 9 months of rape.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would not either.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@KNOWITALL “Sure, so don’t blame Pro Life folks for that situation more than we blame liberals for adding to an already overburdened immigration system. See my point?”

No, because there is no point there.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth There is but you cant see it.

Gizzy11's avatar

A good thing no. Whether it’s wrong or right is a matter of opinion. Somethings are just not right and morally wrong. Sometimes people just need to step back and think. Those two things are lifelong curses
that never go away whether your innocent or not. Once you get that label whether from a judge or a neighbor you will carry that with you all your life. I have seen it with my own to eyes. I am from small USA so I have seen just about everything. Matter of fact back in my rattlesnake days I used to run around with my friend Tommy his whole family slept together and you could tell he was inbred but he was cool as heck. Anyway just trying to shed some light on such a dreary subject. Next chapter please.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Whether is is wrong or right is a matter of opinion? Well, hummm. Obviously the rapist thinks it’s right. Obviously the father or uncle or brother thinks it’s right. So it must be right, right? Pretty sure victims don’t think it’s right.

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