Social Question

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Do you think Trump is on his way to a total mental breakdown?

Asked by Dutchess_lll (8748points) August 13th, 2020

He’s never been treated with such contempt and disrespect before. His money always shielded him. But now, to his face, people are telling him he’s an idiot. They’re ripping into his carefully crafted illusion of being the smartest and most desirable man in the room. All the nasty women are telling him he’s a slob, a pig. I don’t think Melania wants a thing to do with him either!
How much longer can he hold it together?

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38 Answers

Coolhandluke's avatar

No, but all of you on Fluther will be come November…

gondwanalon's avatar

Trump is a tough hombre and acts the way he does because it works for him. He is an expert at distracting and confusing. He’s at his best in a debate. It’s a mistake to call him an idiot or weak.

If you think that Trump is about to melt down mentally then you are likely very wrong.

I’d love the see Biden debate Trump. But that ain’t happening.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, whatever you think of the man, even running with little experience was ballsy. He does like to win, like many Type A’s, so I think he thrives on it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I am not sure what you see but I see an insecure, scared little boy who wants his mommy. And he actually proves how damn dumb he is ALL the time.
I also see a confused, stressed out man-child who is about to lose it.

chyna's avatar

He’s absolutely not “presidential” at all. I find it ridiculous that he makes up childish names for those he dislikes. What is he, six years old?

LostInParadise's avatar

The only thing that Trump cares about is power. He has surrounded himself with a bunch of toadies. He got rid of anyone who would dare to disagree with him. The only that will upset him is if he loses the election. The big question is, If he is not re-elected, will he take out his anger on the rest of the country during he remaining time in office? For a normal person, this would be a ridiculous question, but I can see Trump punishing the states that did not vote for him.

Inspired_2write's avatar

If not mental then physical.
All that stress would wear anyone down eventually.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump and his supporters have exhibited mental breakdowns from the very beginning of his so called “political career” and it continues to this day. Mental and moral breakdowns.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@Inspired_2write….Yes And he is distinctly unable and unqualified to handle the stress. He’s a child.

Aster's avatar

What are the actual signs Trump is distinctly unable to handle stress? Dropping out of the race? Having a stroke? Fainting? Bursting into tears? Contracting Covid19? I see zero signs of inability to handle stress so I’m just curious how he’s showing it especially when women are telling him? he’s a “slob” and men that he’s a “liar.”

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I guess you haven’t really been paying attention to the man. For one thing he keeps running out of news briefings because he can’t handle hard questions.
He can’t handle smart, strong women. He can’t really handle anything without resorting to name calling and running away.

Aster's avatar

I disagree. I watch all his press conferences and no matter how obnoxious and rude some of the “smart, strong” female reporters speak he always answers their questions and never “storms out” or has a “temper tantrum.” In fact , a day or so ago when a man asked him, ” do you ever regret telling lies?” he simply ignored him and went to the next question . I applaud how he handled him.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

But @Aster he didn’t answer the question, which implies he’s happy with all 20,000 lies and miss truths since he took office !

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^ I do not see how any POTUS could answer such a question. It was a trap. If he said, “what lies? I never lie!” he could have been in for two hours of that reporter bringing up every single lie he could believe was spoken in 4 years. Then if Trump attempted to answer each charge they would have run out of time. Or, Trump could have said, and imagine this response ” Yes, I do regret all my lies I’ve told the world.” You see how this was an impossible trap ? Trump had therefore no recourse but to ignore him. And btw; presidents lie. Politicians lie. I would not wish to be in the shoes of that reporter for anything. He’d better be looking over his shoulder so was it worth it?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So it okay that he has lied or had miss truth 20,000 times. Hitler and the Big Lie ! Trump’s favorite author.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@Aster…I don’t know what planet you get your news from but it’s not Earth. The lie question was one he stomped out of

stanleybmanly's avatar

On his way? Mental breakdown assumes a functional individual thrown off kilter. Trump’s behavior has not been that of a “normal” individual losing his senses. The defects are built into the design. He hasn’t “left the tracks” due to the stresses of traveling. The very wheels themselves are all fkd up.

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_lll the lie question I watched on Thursday was as direct as, ” do you regret all the lies you’ve told?” No other wording. And where did people get the number of lies at a nice round 20K? Someone came up with that number and you just latched onto it. No questioning ; instantly believed.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

How do you know I believed it?
Did you watch the video I linked. He walked out.when he was asked the question.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Aster it is a lot more today. The facts are below read them and tell me that people are making it up.

Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in US.

20,000 lies and miss truths since inaugurated as of July 13,2020

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Don’t waste your time posting evidence to back up your claims. She will reject anything that will show that she worships a lying,crybaby fool.

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^^ The lying , crybaby?? fool will be your president again, Dutchess.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I’ll move to Canada.
For the life of me I can not fathom how any one with a normal IQ can support the slime bag.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Also if he gets wind that he’s going to lose he’ll disappear. We’ll wake up one morning and he’ll be gone. He’s a criminal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, @Dutchess_lll he’ll run out of the country because several states want to indict him but won’t while he is President two seconds later (after he is out of office) ! He won’t have “lap dog” Billy Barr to protect him.

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Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why would he wait until he’s out of office? He can take off at any time.

Aster's avatar

Why do people, even famous ones such as Cher , say they’ll leave the country if he’s elected but never leave? If I said I’ll leave I’d feel foolish if I stayed. Besides; what’s to be gained by leaving? He’ll still be president and you’d be leaving your family.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What are you talking about @Aster? You completely changed the subject.
We were talking about your child molesting hero escaping the country, because the instant he is no longer president he’ll be arrested. Who said anything about Cher?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I believe it was in response to your saying you’d move to Canada.

Aster's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I brought up Cher’s name. This is “social.”
Thank you, @KNOWITALL

stanleybmanly's avatar

I actually find it rather amazing that Trump can walk around with the baggage attached to him. I believe if I had to tote the load of people, agencies and enterprises lined up to extract justice from the man, I would be deeply engrossed by now in plans to disappear without a trace.

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^^^^^^^ What?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Have you even a hint as to how many grievances, investigations, and inquiries are now underway with Trump as focal point? Whether he is re-elected or not, he will be lucky if the remainder of his life is just unmitigated hell.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@Aster…he can’t be prosecuted for most crimes as long as he is President. He is DESPERATE to win this election.
If he loses they’ll just slap handcuffs on him and lead him away. His life, as he’s known it, will be over.
That’s why I think he’s plotting an escape.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ukraine doesn’t have extradition agreement with US, but I think his translator (wink wink) will stay here.

jca2's avatar

I’m not a fan of Trump’s but I don’t think he’s on his way to a breakdown. He’s not dignified and he doesn’t speak like most Presidents but he also has his strategy which works for his voters. Like any rich businessman, he has had advisors around him his whole adult life, so he may not be book smart which is why he doesn’t know how to pronounce “Yosemite” or doesn’t know that Frederick Douglass was dead, and stuff like that.

I don’t think it’s helpful for anyone to say they’re going to move to another country if he wins, because he may win, and then what? Then you look silly for saying it.

I do think that having Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate ups the stakes higher. She has a lot to bring to the table, and there’s a new energy and enthusiasm for Biden’s campaign now. Trump knows this, I’m sure. So the pressure is on, on top of the previous pressure from just being President.

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