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Jeruba's avatar

What if Donald Trump had simply not been a man with such a big body?

Asked by Jeruba (55868points) November 4th, 2022

Do you think Trump’s physical size has been a significant factor in how people interact with him in person and how people view him onstage and in the media?

Would the story of Donald Trump have been significantly different over these recent years if he had been built like, say, Anthony Weiner?

I never see much written about his sheer physical bulk and height, but wouldn’t he be intimidating even if he weren’t a loudmouth bully?

And could he in fact be so intimidating if, with all the same money, personality, power lust, and chutzpah, he had the build of a pipsqueak?

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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

Hitler was quite slight.

JLeslie's avatar

Hitler and Napoleon were small in stature, and you have probably heard of the term Napoleon Complex. So, they prove you don’t have to be tall and big, or maybe they are the exceptions to the rule. Many people say women have a disadvantage being shorter than most men, and supposedly that’s why women wear high heels at work. I never completely bought into this, I think the heels are more about women being sexual objects, or victims of fashion, but maybe all of those things are at play.

I do think Trump being tall and a reasonably broad build is an advantage though. Taking up space in a room gives a person “presence” and if they have an outgoing personality they suck up the oxygen in the room. Most sociopaths are very good at working a room, they tend to be the life of the party. People I know who have met him or spent time at Mar-a-Lago all say he was very welcoming, and a pleasure to be around him.

Plus, being rich draws attention, and he flaunts his richness.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s a myth that Napoleon was small. He was average size at the time. The French “inch” at the time is not 2.54 cm it was like 2.7 cm. Napoleon was probably around 5’7”
Apparently Hitler was 5’9” which is average. I had to look that up. I figured he was like 6’
I think Trump’s life would be different. When I see big shot managers, CEOs etc… A common trait is they’re frequently tall and imposing. Ladies included here. A tall stature sets someone apart and makes them stand out in a way that offers a big advantage.

seawulf575's avatar

Possibly. As @Blackwater_Park says, it could make him stand out. Combine that with confidence and you have a considerable leg up on most others.

HP's avatar

The puzzle is that anyone would find him intimidating at all. His physical appearance is every bit as preposterous and right in line with his exaggerated defects in characrer and glaring personality aberrations. Visualize a six foot glob of crisco dyed brilliant orange and topped with an absurd hairpiece clearly designed to instill speculation on the enormity of the bald pate required to erect such a monstrous device in its concealment. The man’s appearance matches perfectly the other attributes which render him little more than a vapid narcisist and distinguished as this country’s most shallow, brazenly criminal tasteless joke.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Back when he first made himself known in NYC somewhere around 1978, he wasn’t such an imposing figure; however, he was still as arrogant & narcissistic as he is now. He & his first wife were the perfect power couple as she was as determined as he was to be somebody in that city!!! She wasn’t a bimbo & she worked hard at increasing his businesses as well as his wealth. He wasn’t as scrawny as Weiner but he was very slender with a gorgeous smile & charming personality!!! Had he been able to keep his thing in his pants, there’s a decent chance he could have been as important as he dreams of being!!!

Once he got his mistress pregnant & tried to force her to have an abortion, his big life seemed to slowly implode around him. That was about the time he pushed the intelligent wife out of his life & soon thereafter dumped the second one. The third wife only wanted him for his money & he began to make a lot of bad decisions!!! From there, he appeared to descend into his current madness with his perceived wealth protecting him from any form of truth or normalcy!!! I don’t know that his arrogance would have been any different; however, I feel his madness might have been more controllable!!!

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Thank you for the height information.

filmfann's avatar

I am taller than Trump, and my hands are way bigger.
The big part of Trump is his mouth.

Entropy's avatar

I don’t think it would have mattered much. Trump’s ‘success’ as a businessman was mostly about his daddy and blind luck. This isn’t Warren Buffett or Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or [Insert Entrepreneur Here]. Trump was a real estate developer who bet big in a bad market, got stuff done because of Daddy’s Political Connections, and STILL went bankrupt multiple times even with hundreds of millions in bailouts from pops over the years.

His political and reality show career have taken off mostly because he’s got ‘small dog energy’. The thing about small dog energy…you can have it regardless of size. How many little guys with Napoleon complexes (which is ironic because Napoleon was an average size for his time) have big egos and personalities? That’s Trump. He just happens to be a big dog with small dog energy.

mazingerz88's avatar

I don’t think it will make a difference if he’s 5’ 7.” He would still be white and a douchebag. Two things his white worshipers love about him.

raum's avatar

I never even realized that he was tall. Had to google his height and was honestly surprised.

I always assumed he was short because his hands are small. Legit not even joking. Just thinking of proportions.

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