Meta Question

wundayatta's avatar

Have you never posted? Why don't you post?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) February 16th, 2009

Strange concept to me, but I saw Asmonet refer to people who never post, and I thought I’d ask about it. Since, if you answer this, you can’t say you’ve never posted, I think we should consider this question to be in another dimension. You can answer without breaking your never-posting status.

I find it hard to believe that someone would come here just to read. I suppose it’s possible. Anyway, if you are out there, please let me know, just so I can see if you exist or not.

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17 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I post, I just don’t ask questions. I could, but I find it more fun to read these. And yours are always good.

dynamicduo's avatar

You’d be amazed the number of lurkers there are. In my other community, Metafilter, there are enough lurkers to make their business model sustainable (serving ads only to non-users, you need to pay a $5 one time fee when signing up for an account). Especially with question and answer sites such as Fluther and Ask Metafilter, there’s a lot of traffic driven from search engines (a neat fact, both of the sites are indexed very regularly, to the point where a user asked a question that returned only one hit when they asked it, but within an hour the same search string found the fluther question as well as the original one result).

blondie411's avatar

Sometimes I don’t have a good enough question to ask, but I always answer those I find that I have the answer to or that I can add more spice to the pot.

AstroChuck's avatar

Because I’m shy.

steelmarket's avatar

Yeah, @Astro, I could tell by the look on your face.

Vinifera7's avatar

I answer far, far more than I ask, but I haven’t stopped posting since I joined. I really don’t see the point in coming here to read either.

Bluefreedom's avatar

To post or not to post, that is the question.

I am, therefore, I post.

I came, I saw, I posted.

Why did the man post on Fluther? Because it was there.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

wow, i’ve never really considered that there are people on here that read and don’t post. i guess there must be though.
i’ve never posted a question, but (obviously) i post answers a lot.

Trustinglife's avatar

Well, Daloon, there must not be any!~

wundayatta's avatar

I’m beginning to think that, myself. Unless they are very serious in remaining as lurkers.

Others seem to feel sure there are some. I have my doubts.

Come on, lurker! Prove me wrong!

fireside's avatar

According to these numbers many of the others may not be lurking, so much as just passing by.

Only 14% of the traffic on Fluther is attributed to “regular visitors or addicts” much of the rest probably comes from Google for single page views about specific queries.

wundayatta's avatar

That’s pretty interesting. I wonder how they get their demographic information? Fluther seems to skew young and poor, but I’d guess that’s because there are so many people in higher education here.

They count IP addresses, so some people are counted several times, since they login from different places.

Zen's avatar

There are those of us who have arrived here from the great exodus of March ‘09 who are used to a non-moderated format, where one can ask limitless questions, in any way, shape or form. It doesn’t even have to be a question, and sometimes it’s more fun to just ask it in the wrong “scene” (topic). Either mistakenly, or ironically. It is so different, that you’d have to experience it to truly understand just how different it is.

I am sure that many wis.dmers (and others) have had their first questions moderated – and that is quite the deterrant.

There are also those who generally keep to themselves anyway, and take pleasure in reading questions similar to those they would have asked anyway.

I am lucky, I think, in that I enjoy this format immensely. I have read and understood the guidelines, believe that three (well-thought) questions is a-plenty, and find the spirit of the moderation here to be much closer to how I would want a society I’d belong to to be.

Free speech is lovely. Unmoderated anonymous free speech is chaos., though a wonderful street-fight, no-holds barred kind of society that it was, is a perfect example to that. It collapsed.

So join the collective. Resistance is futile.


Hatsumiko's avatar

I’m usually a “lurker” on any forum/feed site. Sometimes I just don’t have anything to say.

(I’m relatively new here, however. Liking it here!)

Trustinglife's avatar

Well, thanks for jumping in and sharing that! Lurve for you.

Lladar's avatar

I just joined and this will be my second post in a row.

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