General Question

wundayatta's avatar

My hero has fallen, will I ever recover?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) March 9th, 2009

AstroChuck was like unto a god to me. The funniest man alive, I could only watch in awe with his every post. His wit was exceeded only by his charm. Never a harsh word did he utter.

But, oh. He has tumbled far. The pedestal has been shattered and lies in ruins around me. AstroChuck has committed the most grievous of sins: he prefers pancake syrup to maple syrup! I am desolated! The sin that is worse than all other sins! How can this be possible? How can I go on? Will there ever be another hero for me? What choice have I, but to slit my wrists like some wan Juliet, weeping over her slain lover.

Please, please, I need help. A reason to go on. Hope for the future. Is there anyone out there who has felt what I feel; who understands; who has survived?

Also, do you think it’s ok to if I use AstroChuck’s ex-half brother as my new god? Or would pancakes rain down for forty days and forty nights? Is there any more maple syrup in the frizzer?

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45 Answers

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

Use the opportunity to your advantage. Fill the vacuum left by AstroChuck in the Fluther pantheon and become a god yourself.

Also, go go maple syrup.

essieness's avatar

You are a crazy, crazy man. I think you should celebrate your differences and remind him that maple syrup is better… every… chance… you… get.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

AstroChuck a slave to King Corn?! What is the world coming to?

Jeruba's avatar

Looking for a sign for you in your hour of need, @daloon, I closed my eyes and opened the scripture, and this is the passage I fell upon. Do you think it means anything?

28. Let every man who doubteth doubt not, and let every man who despaireth despair not.
29. For verily I say unto you, ye shall be as gods.
30. Blessings shall pour down like syrup upon the pancakes in thy astral chuckwagon. And thy horses shall neither stumble nor fall.
31. And this shall be a sign unto you: that the sweet loon do utter her cry before thou risest in the morning and before thou retirest in the evening.
32. And all they who do hear her shall call thy name blessed.
33. For behold, thou hast seen within the frizzer, and thou hast searched below the swimming pool, and thou hast fluthered beneath the branching maple.
34. Yea, all creatures of gelatin shall pay homage unto thee and crown thee hero from everlasting to everlasting.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Say it ain’t so, AC! Say it ain’t so!

@Jeruba – Amen.

loser's avatar

I still love him unconditionally!

Jamspoon's avatar

I could never understand using corn syrup rather than maple…

Then again I’m a toque wearing dog musher so the mere suggestion of supplant reeks of blaspheme!

Kiev749's avatar

holy hell… i want pancakes now…

augustlan's avatar

Mmm… pancakes.

MacBean's avatar

I knew there must be a reason why he gives me bad vibes. This completely explains it! ;)

Also, lurve for the original question, Jeruba’s scripture, and “toque wearing dog musher.”

augustlan's avatar

I need a link to the thread where Chuck admitted this atrocity. Anyone have it?

bythebay's avatar

@daloon: Dump him, get over your despair, and go with the new “god”. Let it rain pancakes for for forty days & forty nights…we can talk about pancakes every night and day…we’ll all have a very good time…and when it’s over…you can kiss & make up with AC. By then he will probably have broken up with Mrs. Butterworth and all will be right with world.

wundayatta's avatar

@augustlan: You can find that blasphemous post here.

SuperMouse's avatar

@daloon, isn’t there room enough on this board for real and artificial syrup? Methinks there is, especially if it keeps my fellow Californian and fellow artificial syrup lover AstroChuck on the pedastal upon which you, and indeed all flutherers, place him. I believe Rodney King said it best. “Can’t we all just get along?”

wundayatta's avatar

@SuperMouse This may sound silly, but there are some sins that show such an egregious lack of taste, that one cannot retain godlike status. Mortals can have such a preference, but not gods. True gods know better. True gods can divine the genuine nectar, and are not waylaid by the fake.

I can get along with artificial syrup consuming individuals, although I shudder when I imagine tasting such dreck, but I can not worship such an individual.

It is true that Californians have some strange ideas about food. They think that artificial syrup is as good as maple syrup and, almost as bad, they think that cow corn is like sweet corn. This is a divide between the coasts that, no matter how much we like each other, is difficult to bridge. My father (an Easterner) married my mother (a Californian), and she, moving east, was able to come to understand the truth about food. In fact, she was the one who taught me about pickles and maple sugar. Still, it is our everlasting sorrow that she spent so many years of youth without a taste of either true corn or true maple.

As a youth, I learned to tap trees and boil down the sap to syrup, and to use a hygrometer, and to peel the paper off walls (this was an unfortunate side effect of doing the boiling inside). I have carried buckets to the receiving container (in our case, a brand new metal garbage can). I have watched as the clean new sap gradually grows greener as the leaves begin to grow, and attracts moth after moth as the season turns warmer.

This is why Grade AA fancy is so different from grade B. I can tell, in an instant, whether the syrup comes from Pa, Ma, Vt, Nh, Ny, or Canada. A life cannot be said to be fully lived if one does not require maple syrup on pancakes, waffles, french toast and vanilla ice cream.

Alas, and alack: I am donning my sackcloth; spreading ashes upon my face, keening and crying for that which has fallen and broken into a thousand tiny pieces: my faith, my trust, my enjoyment of the bon mot, the snappy quip, the wry observation…

Woe is me. Woe is me.

Bagardbilla's avatar

… The prince and the princess (? Being new here, I do not know thy gender Loon), lowered their expectations and lived happily ever after…

tinyfaery's avatar

Pancake syrup for me. Maple=yuck

essieness's avatar

Where is AstroChuck and why hasn’t he come here to defend himself?

wundayatta's avatar

I suspect he has returned to his pantheon to lick his wounds. Either that, or he’s out delivering the mail.

asmonet's avatar

I like it both ways, baby.

augustlan's avatar

Actually, so do I. ; )

Jamspoon's avatar

@daloon If you find that you’ve run out of maple syrup to glaze a glistening blanket of saccharine succor atop your fluffy flapjacks one morning, you can at least be assured you’ll have plenty of melodrama to compensate for the pabulum destitutus.

AstroChuck's avatar

Jesus, daloon. I never said I didn’t like maple syrup. You easterners just don’t get it. You can’t even call Best Foods and Dreyer’s Grand by their proper names.
And incidentally, Jif is far better than that Adam’s Natural peanut crap and Log Cabin tastes better to me than real tree sap.
Still, I forgive you, my son.

wundayatta's avatar

@AstroChuck—Um…. pray forgive me, but that’s Mr. daloon to you!”

—[daloon scurries flaps back to his lake, clutching Hellmans and Edy’s tightly in hand.]

Two can play that game.

SuperMouse's avatar

@AstroChuck, I almost fell out of my chair the first time I heard “Bring out the Hellmans and bring out the best…” WTF?! It’s not just easterners who can’t call things by their proper names, it happens here in the cornfield too. You know what else? They don’t have Huell Howser out here! And everyone wonders why I don’t want to stay… Honestly, I am beginning to believe that the left coast is the only coast. Mouse feels better after a slight rant.

Before you go willy nilly forgiving Dallon, er Daloon, shouldn’t he be given a penance? A short stack covered with Log Cabin perhaps?

AstroChuck's avatar

@Dallon @daloon- You should have taken a look again before you posted. You would have seen that I fixed that, and some other typos.

…my son.

Jamspoon's avatar

My good garage googly moogly Adam’s is king! Damn you and your JIF!

Damn you and your JIF!!!!!!!!!!!

augustlan's avatar

Jiff is the best! So is Hellman’s.

AstroChuck's avatar

Bring out the Hellmann’s Best Foods and bring out the best.

Jamspoon's avatar

Hellman’s is good. I won’t deny that. Screw Miracle Whip… Even the people who make it don’t consider it mayonnaise…

Get your Best Foods out of here. I don’t think we even let that cross our border.

wundayatta's avatar

@SuperMouse: Not the Log Cabin. A fate worse than death! I’ll do anything. Anything, as long as I don’t have to be near Log Cabin.

AstroChuck's avatar

Ha! We have See’s Candies on the left coast. You guys are stuck with Whitman’s Samplers.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Jamspoon are you a fan of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast? Beast is the only person cartoon character I’ve ever heard use that phrase – until now that is. (I am referring to “googly moogly” – the Beast says “great googly moogly” it’s kind of his tag line.)

@AstroChuck, we do have See’s here in The Corn, but we don’t have In and Out, El Pollo Loco, or Baja Fresh. Plus it is 17 degrees and snowing outside as I type! I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I wanna go home!

Mouse is taking deep breaths, in through the nose out through the mouth.

Jamspoon's avatar

Yankee propaganda! Trying to lure us away with your chain-candy stores and multi-brand mayonnaise!

Well it won’t work, we’ve got our own mayonnaise, we’ve got boutique candy stores and we produce our own premium maple syrup!

Gyahh rrrhg nationalism hrrruuuh!

I must apologize, sometimes my sandwiches really go to my head.

@SuperMouse Maggie looks familiar as does her Ferocious Beastie…

augustlan's avatar

@SuperMouse I loved Maggie and the Ferocious Beast! Great googly moogly indeed. :)

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

This thread is full of amazing and makes me wish there was a giant “lurve all” button.

tinyfaery's avatar

Mmm See’s.

AstroChuck's avatar

Mmm. See’s and Del Taco.

tinyfaery's avatar

But not together.

VzzBzz's avatar

Juliet drank poison so there should be plenty of maple syrup left in the frizzer, at least that’s the rumor.

Dr_C's avatar

See’s candies ftw!!!! (i actually see patients at the factory in tijuana where they make a lot of their candy).
Best foods it the best mayonaise… (Helman’s is crap).
I prefer maple but if forced to eat regular pancake syrup it’s Aunt Jemima for me!

AstroChuck's avatar

@Dr_C- You do realize that Best Foods and Hellman’s are just different names from both sides of the Rockies for the same thing, right?

Dr_C's avatar

@AstroChuck I do but I choose to find comfort in name recognition.

AstroChuck's avatar

In other words,
Dreyer’s = Good
Edy’s = Bad

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