General Question

Mtl_zack's avatar

What are the advantages and disadvantages of low flow toilets?

Asked by Mtl_zack (6778points) June 30th, 2009
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10 Answers

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gooch's avatar

They save water but they don’t flush as well. Mine tend to clog more often the my older model water wasters.

marinelife's avatar

Many of the problems with low-flow toilets were with the earlier models and have been corrected.

Some of the new ones can have a noisy flush.

As to the advantages, current models that use 1.6 gallons per flush vs. 7 gallons per flush speak for themselves. That is an insane amount of water to waste.

This site has a comparison chart of features and has reviews.

RocketGuy's avatar

We have a Toto 1.6 gal per flush toilet, which works great. Our Toto 1.28 gal per flush toilet works better! 21st century technology

We had a Rialto 1.6 gal per flush (from the 1990’s) which was kind of lame.

Clair's avatar

I think they’re pretty shitty.
I may have exploded if I didn’t get it out.

DarkScribe's avatar

@DarkScribe I think they’re pretty shitty.

How do manage to make the same comment (almost) as I did and not get yours moderated?

marinelife's avatar

@DarkScribe I suspect it is because of the Fluther Guidelines that say a joke or non-serious answer cannot be the first response to a question.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Marina I suspect it is because of the Fluther Guidelines that say a joke or non-serious answer cannot be the first response to a question.

What makes you think that I was joking? ;)

(The answer was quite valid.)

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Watch King of the Hill Flush With Power. It will answer all your questions

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