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simone54's avatar

What's the best NES or SNES game that was based on a movie?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) November 26th, 2009

I cannot think of one good game based on a film.

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15 Answers

simplicity's avatar

Super star wars etc. were all pretty decent with the first being the best. Some of the disney stuff wasn’t all bad either… Aladdin especially.

Sarcasm's avatar

I cannot think of one good game based on a film.
It’s okay, because there’s never been a good film based on a movie either (lookin’ at you, Uwe Boll!).

WhatEvil's avatar

Aladdin was a brilliant platformer as simplicity said. I really enjoyed Batman, too, as it was a good Streets of Rage style beat-em up. Other than those, I can’t really say any stand out.

J0E's avatar

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Sarcasm's avatar

I screwed up my post. I meant to say, never been a good film based on a game. I dunno how I messed that one up

Ame_Evil's avatar

@Sarcasm It still (doesn’t) work(s) the over way around as well.

buckyboy28's avatar

I was pretty partial to the Wayne’s World game for SNES. Looking back, it was horrendous, but in it’s day it was pretty, pretty…. well, still pretty horrendous. It was a guilty pleasure.

ragingloli's avatar

don’t say that. Postal was pretty good

simone54's avatar

Sooo…. Aladdin and Batman. I think that might be it.

evegrimm's avatar

The list from this site has several, including Jurassic Park and TMNT. They also mention Aladdin, Batman, and Super Star Wars

…hmm, the best games I remember for the SNES (played with an emulator) were from Japan and were either based on anime (Sailor Moon and Magic Knight Rayearth) or had to be patched (Terranigma, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densestsu 3).

There seems to be a lot of games made based on movies, but I guess they were all crap…?

simone54's avatar

Well TMNT doesn’t count because TMNT 3 (the movie) was the worst thing ever.

WhatEvil's avatar

I’ve remembered some more. T2: Judgement day on the NES was good for it’s time. Also most of the disney platformers (eg. Lion King) were good on the SNES. I’ve actually just looked at the full list of SNES games on wikipedia.

Super star wars was great, the sequels, not so much.
Aladdin and Lion King as mentioned.
T2 on the NES.
Batman Returns on SNES (not sure about Batman Forever).
Jurassic Park on SNES I remember being good, but difficult.

I think that is an exhaustive list. There are some movie based games on there which I haven’t played, like True Lies, but I don’t remember hearing anything good (or bad) about them.

Smashley's avatar

Ducktales (though technically a TV show based on a comic book) and it’s sequel were top notch games on the NES. The TMNT games have continuously been pretty good from NES to SNES. Jaws is also considered a classic NES title.

The best? Let’s go with “Willow”

simone54's avatar

WILLOW!!!!! How could I forget Willow?! Absolutely with out a doubt the best NES movie game.

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