I acknowledge that I see subtle evidence of sometimes extreme discomfort that people have with those of different cultures, skin colours, facial features, and aromas.
People are comfortable with what they know best and that is people they perceive to be “like” them as opposed to “unlike” them. Even the most experienced and educated people are not immune to stereotypical expectations of members of “other” groups.
Awareness is a starting point for fighting the biases we hold. Exposure to a wide enough sample of people from different groups shows us that the differences within groups are as great or greater than the differences between groups.
That means that when we take the time to look, the difference between groups are based on superficial and mostly trivial features.
Our prejudices are there for sure! . They are not very useful or helpful but they are there.
@ParaParaYukiko I consider racism ugly, unhelpful and useless wherever it exists. Whether it is hidden with politically correct language or gracelessly exposed by the ignorant or tactless, it is the same creature.
Whether an historical context helps to explain it or not does not justify it.
I am aware of my own prejudices and I work hard to avoid acting stupidly or cruelly.
I challenge my own thinking about other people much more toughly than I do the behavior of other people.
I screw up sometimes, like nearly all of you.
I challenge irrational fears and assumptions whether I think them or I hear others express them. I wish more people cared enough to do the same.
Thank you for your patience with this long answer!