General Question

willbrawn's avatar

If today was your last day to live, what would you do? Who would you call and why?

Asked by willbrawn (6619points) July 30th, 2010

You found out this morning that today is your last day on this Earth. You will be passing away this evening. What would you do? Who would you say goodbye to? Who would you call? Would you make today different than any other day?

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30 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

I would spend the day saying goodbye and I love you to everyone I know… and doing my best not to freak out!

jesienne's avatar

The reason why I keep living is not to cause parents pain that brought by my suicide. If I know it was my last day on earth I would kill myself coz I don’t have to suffer any longer.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You know when you’ve lived well. I’d just smile, say goodbye to a few special friends, have a shot of tequelia (spelling?) and go.
Hi E7

jfos's avatar

I think I agree with @jesienne, in that I would do the job myself.

“If God exists, all is His will and from His will I cannot escape. If not, it’s all my will and I am bound to show self-will.” -Kirillov from Dostoevsky’s The Possessed/Demons.

MissA's avatar

I’ve been trying on that thought for weeks now, and I can’t get a handle on it. I just can’t.

escapedone7's avatar

I’d be getting my affairs in order. I would lay out papers such as will, deeds, life insurance, and other things my family will need. I would destroy anything I didn’t want my family to dig through (such as diaries or… well you know.) I would write one quick generic note telling them all I love them dearly and hope they live long and prosper. I would leave specific instructions insisting I absolutely want cremated and my ashes poured out someplace beautiful like a forest. Feed me to the trees. I would insist I did not want an obit in the paper or a costly service. They can hold hands in the woods and sing kum bay yah or something. I think the funeral home industry is a sham. I would threaten to come back and haunt them if they didn’t comply. I would take my cat to my best friend with food and supplies and tell her I would be going away and needed her to promise to take care of him for me. I wouldn’t tell her I was dying. Why spend the last day in tears? I’d take all of my cash out of the bank and leave it on the table with the papers. I’d make sure everything is in order. Then, I’d put on some music, have some wine and chocolate and indulge myself in pleasant things I enjoy until it is over. I would want to die alone.

jesienne's avatar

@jfos I think it’s been true for many people “A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. The life seems unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one will only in time come to hate.” -by Franz Kafka

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@MissA Hang in there, there’s a lot of twists and turns in life. Live today, and deal with tommorrow.

stardust's avatar

I’d organise a big dinner party with all of my close friends and family. We’d eat wonderful food, drink good wine, shoot the breeze, laugh, sing and dance.

softtop67's avatar

Do you think Angelina Jolie would grant a dying man his last wish :-)

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I’m assuming my family finds out when I do, or I tell them right away.
Then I would call up my best friends (I have 2), tell them and have a good long talk making sure about a few things.
Then this guy friend of mine. I’ve spent some amazing days with him…He helped me realize how much fun you can have with a guy when you’re not thinking about certain things. I would want him to know what an awesome guy I think he is.
Then my other friends that I have had fun with, that I have enjoyed their company. I would want them to know how much fun I had with them.
Then my Sunday School teacher. I know kinda strange to be put in here with the rest of these people, but I have changed so much in the last 3 years, being in her class. I would want her to know how much I’m glad I had a chance to know her, and how thankful that she put up with 6th-8th graders, an age group I’ve heard many, many people say they will never try to teach.
Then, there might be a few people more, but I’d have a party with friends and family, just enjoying life.

tedd's avatar

One time I tried living like there was no tomorrow once. I quit my job, told off my boss, spent my life savings, cheated on my girlfriend and then married her, robbed a bank, wrecked my car, smoked 7 packs of cigarettes and 10 cigars, and drank an incredible amount of alcohol that no human being should ever try to consume.

Then tomorrow came…. much to my chagrin….

Jude's avatar

I’d spend it with the people that I love.

meagan's avatar

I’d get really, really drunk. Alone.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@meagan Isn’t that kind of giving up and throwing in the towel?
But that’s kind of appropriate I guess.
@ jimah How are you doing today?

meagan's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’m not close with my family, no significant others, etc. And all of the material things that I could do would be a waste.
Even if I’d like to go somewhere, I’d probably spend my last day flying or driving.. so drink it is!

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe much better. Thanks. :) I slept in late and am having my morning java. Off soon to spend the weekend with my girl. We’re going to see Jack White et al (The Dead Weather) play at the Filmore in Detroit.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Give me a few minutes to think this through.

Seaminglysew's avatar

Definately a party with my friends and Family. Dance in the sand and laugh , laugh, laugh. I would hold my children tight (they are the greatest) and tell them to live thier lives to the fullest, with no regrets!

Scooby's avatar

Most likely I’d just sit in my garden with the Cats & reminisce, & open my Macallan 25 of course.……. ;-)
I wouldn’t call anyone!! I’d leave it as a suprise…...........

Jude's avatar

To expand on what I said. For me, it’s easy. I had a hell of a lot of time to do all of the “fun/daring stuff”. Now, I would just want to be with those who I love most. Talking about old times, perhaps, some laughs (amongst the tears), lots of hugs and I’d be able to say goodbye. I don’t even care where we are. That would be my last day.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@jjmah Nailed it. That was what I was trying to come up with. Be willing to let others in and enjoy what they bring to the gathering.
@meagan The same goes. Be willing to let yourself go and let others in.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d spend at least an hour or two cleaning out the junk I don’t want others to find. I’d get my papers in order. I’d have a big bonfire.

I’d close accounts and write an email to be sent 6 hours after my death to all my friends saying goodbye.and thanks for all the fish. That way if the whole episode was a joke, I could cancel before embarrassing myself.

wundayatta's avatar

I find it interesting that some people who know their death is imminent want to hurry it along. I had a friend who knew he would die in a few days from a fast-moving cancer who whined, “why can’t I just die now” a day or so before his death. Similarly, my aunt, dying of another fast moving cancer, was asking to go just days before she did.

On the other hand, I’ve seen some hold out for years. My mother-in-law stayed alive for six months, lying in a bed, unable to move a muscle (due to a stroke), unable to hear a thing, and clearly in horrendous pain.

I think depression plays a role in this. Some are used to thinking about suicide, but don’t do it because of the impact it will have on others they love. Finally, a release will come. The pain will be over. Who would begrudge a few hour headstart?

There are people who face this: people who are about to be executed. Their choices are somewhat limited, but it might be interesting to find out how they spend their last days. I think it is traditional to give them any meal they want. I doubt if that is a real promise, but still, it’s a nice myth.

CMaz's avatar

Cooler with some cold drinks. A comfortable beach chair. Spending the day at the beach.

Alone. Taking that last day to enjoy the nothingness and no need.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Sit on my sweet little lonesome, speak to nobody, call no one and not bother with anything.

perspicacious's avatar

The people I love live far away from me so I would talk to each of them. I suppose I would then spend the rest of the day outdoors, cook my favorite meal, have lots of ice cream and go to sleep.

NeroCorvo's avatar

In the early morning I would watch the sun rise at the beach- saying goodbye to nature.

In the mid morning I would hang with my friends and family.

As night-time approaches I will toast to what will soon will no longer be.

I would then clean out my safe of any contraband or literature I would not want made public after I am gone and walk into eternity.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

If today was my last day to live. i would tell my Dad and my friend. i would go and take a hike in the woods with them until i died. i would tell them i love them and i would give them all my stuff. i wouldn’t tell anyone else, let them suffer for how they treat me.

Ludy's avatar

i will kiss my fiance for the last time, tell him that i love him, take a flight to mexico and see my dad, i would spent my last hours with him, i haven’t seen him in 6 years… oh i don’t wanna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know heaven must be way better than this but i rather live in this earth hell as long as i can still see the people that i love

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