General Question

LadyMarissa's avatar

Why is it so wrong for the left to steal an election although there is no proof, yet it's acceptable that the right is blatantly working at overturning the results of the election? Is Stop the Steal not an equal opportunity problem?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16141points) December 5th, 2020

45 claims that the left is trying to steal the presidency out from under him. Yet he has shown NO proof that the claim is true. Then he starts pressuring those in his own party to hijack the votes that were cast against him. IF it was only say a 100,000 vote difference, I could see maybe fighting it. But for 7–8 million votes, it should be a felony to steal those votes. The day I voted, I was in line for 2 hours waiting to vote & everybody in line was wearing a mask. I wondered at the time, IF his base was ignoring his advice that a mask was not needed or IF everybody in line was a dem waiting to vote his ass out of here??? On Nov 4 i realized that they were most likely people like me who couldn’t imagine 4 more years of this BS!!!

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64 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Quick answer: republicans are hypocritical liars.

Longer answer: They drank the Trump Kool-Aid and believed what Fox News told them. So they’re unable to accept that they were lied to. And since the republican supporters have pretty much made Trump into a religious figure, they can’t believe they were misled, because that would shake their own identities.

janbb's avatar

Not only that but they blatantly worked at suppressing the vote ahead of time by eliminating polling places and drop box locations, purging voter rolls and screwing up the postal system. Why weren’t any of those attempts to rig the election?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump would sell his soul to the Devil and is asking all the Fright Winger to do the same !

How else can he make the votes go away ??

Face it he lost and is a sore loser !

lastexit's avatar

It’s all about projection. What the right wing crazies accuse the left of doing is actually what they’re doing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s only acceptable to the fright wingers ,Trump has them convinced he(they)were cheated so they have no problem cheating in return.

Yellowdog's avatar

There are thousands of signed affidavits from whistleblowers, about 600 who are part of the efforts from the Trump team alone and MOST of them have actual proof or evidence.

And it is more than just the Trump team’s case moving forward.

Maybe you should actually listen to the hearings and the evidence rather than get in a hissy and proclaim there is no evidence.

Darth_Algar's avatar


So why hasn’t any of this evidence been presented in court?

SEKA's avatar

@Yellowdog I challenge you to show me even one of those signed affidavits. Giuliani is the only one who has actually seen them and he won’t show them to the president’s lawyers who are legitimately taking his shit to court. It is obvious that Giuliani has grown even more unhinged with time so I doubt that you have ever seen even one of those signed affidavits yourself. You, sir, are part of the problem. Your intense desire to win has clouded what might once have been a brilliant mind

@Darth_Algar Even the legitimate lawyers who are working on this aren’t allowed to see any of those affidavits

janbb's avatar

@Yellowdog reminds me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

ragingloli's avatar

Oh, they tried. Affidavits are hearsay, and because they failed to show that they are trustworthy (because they were all from trump supporters and therefore have questionable motives), and it was not possible to cross examine the signers in court, they were thrown out.

si3tech's avatar

It is wrong and there is proof. It was illegal, unconstitutional when you have dead people voting, voters who are not registered, voting multiple times and places. Signatures not verified and addresses not matching.

ragingloli's avatar

There is about as much “proof” for that as there is for Stanley Kubrick faking the moon landing.

cookieman's avatar

@si3tech: That would be very compelling and worrisome, if any of that supposed evidence had been presented in court.

As it stands, dozens of cases have been thrown out of court for lack of evidence.

Why do you suppose that is?

seawulf575's avatar

Every affidavit is evidence. Every video showing sketchy things is evidence. Basically, the Trump team has TONS of evidence, but they are going about the lawsuits in the wrong way. Sidney Powell, on the other hand, is going about it in the correct fashion. The difference is that Trump is saying “Look! we have evidence that improprieties were going on and that resulted in ballots that went against us!” so the next question from judge is “how many ballots?” and each piece of evidence would have to show specific numbers of votes that were corrupted. That is a long, slogging way of going about it. Sidney Powell, on the other hand, is saying that the process was corrupted. Now the questions are “how was it corrupted?” At that point, any affidavits they have, any video evidence, any forensics evidence they have, etc, all come into play. All she is trying to show is that the cheating was done…and it was. There is no logical argument against the overwhelming evidence. So what the question looks like it is saying is “why if the Democrats cheat and steal the election, are the Republicans allowed to cry “foul”? Let me reverse the situation for a moment. If all that went on during this election happened to favor Trump instead of Biden, would the left just say “oh well, guess we lost”? Or would they scream about the election being stolen? I can guarantee, based on what happened following the 2016 election, they would never accept the results. And they shouldn’t if all that actually happened to favor Biden had favored Trump instead.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: Read under “United States.” “Under the rules of hearsay, admission of an unsupported affidavit does not count as evidence.”,third%20person%2C%20depending%20on%20who%20drafted%20the%20document.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@jca2 . . . and over 200 of the affidavit have “Rudy” scrawled at the bottom. J.K.

jca2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie: Rudy is another holdover that I will be very happy to have disappear after January 2021. Prior to this, every single time he was on the news, he’d mention that he was present at 9/11. It was like, ok, we get it, we know it. Now, him with the hair dye running down his face and his hand in his pants on Borat, it’s like “please go away and don’t come back.”

Darth_Algar's avatar


So why hasn’t any of this proof been presented in court?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@si3tech I live in Georgia & the dead people voting that was submitted as evidence opened her front door to speak with the news. Her husband is dead but she isn’t…her husband did NOT vote but she did. NO “LEGAL” EVIDENCE of dead people voting!!!

cookieman's avatar

@LadyMarissa: Just because she opened the door does not mean she’s alive. Have you not seen the Walking Dead? Ya know, that documentary about the DNC conspiracy to create undead agents that are loyal only to Obama and his secret terrorist regime.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Why didnt Hillary raise all this ruckus when the the Repubs stole the last election from her? And don’t try to convince me the Electoral Votes weren’t manipulated. If Repubs can be impervious to reason, so can I.

SEKA's avatar

@cookieman You should apply for a job on thumper’s lunatic fringe legal team. You make Giuliani sound sane

jca2's avatar

I’m reminded of 2000, Bush v. Gore. It came down to the state of Florida and it was decided that Bush got it for that state. Who was the Governor of the State of Florida? None other than Jeb Bush, George Dubya Bush’s brother. Oh, gee.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m thinking you may wish to check the battery on your sarcasm detector.

kritiper's avatar

So you’re saying the left stole the election although you have no proof? That’s quite the assumption. “Stop the steal,” in that aspect, is an assumed charge that isn’t equal.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 In a courtroom setting, an affidavit is not, by itself, evidence. But when it comes to determining if there is something to look at, it is. In a courtroom, the person giving the affidavit could be called and questioned, thereby giving his affidavit testimony real time strength and his testimony IS evidence.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 I think you are simplifying the 2000 election to an extraordinary, and foolish, level. Remember the “chads”? There was nothing in the state laws about chads. There was nothing to indicate that a dimpled chad or a hanging chad needed to be considered. But the Dems swore up and down that they meant something. So the Republican FL secretary of state bent over backwards to accommodate them. And Gore still lost. The Democrat heavy FL supreme court tried giving Gore the win, but the SCOTUS basically handed it back to them since there was nothing saying that was anything but a biased decision and they needed to rethink it. Jeb Bush had nothing to do with it.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: I’m not arguing with you about whether or not affidavits are evidence. I provided the Wiki link. If you don’t like what it says, I can’t help you.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@jca2 I don’t think anyone can help ole Wulfie, he is turning from a strict Republican to a Trumpanzie and that is just sad.

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yeah, it’s kind of odd that the election results have been certified as fair and safe by many Republican officials such as the head of CyberSecurity (whom Trump fired for being honest) and the State Secretary of Georgia and the Republican judges who have thrown out cases, but our Trumpers don’t want to accept the facts.

SEKA's avatar

We won’t have to worry about most of the right for long as trump is getting ready to tell them that the vaccines that he wanted named after him really don’t work. He won’t have anybody left to vote for him in 2024

seawulf575's avatar

It amazes me how blind you can all be. Someone steals an election and you are all for it! Poll workers are coming out of the woodwork testifying to all the fraud they witnessed and you guys want to claim that doesn’t mean anything. Let me ask it this way: if things had gone just as they had, but all the irregularities favored Trump instead of Biden, would you be okay with it? Or would you be screaming about how criminal Trump was?

Darth_Algar's avatar


I would be asking the same question I’ve been asking – why has none of this been presented in court? If Biden had lost dozens of cases in court, like Trump has, I’d be just as dismissive as I am now.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry if all those poll workers were Trumpanzies of course they would say that, and sorry if there was a case how come so many have been thrown out of court?
Just like those poll workers in the video? dismiss everyone so they can commit fraud in front of the security cameras ?
I thought you were the informed one here @seawulf575 , don’t buy into the conspiracy theories, got to think back to what another Jellie said if the evil democrats were stealing the election why did the lose so many house seats?
You believe nothing we say and everything Trump says, the guy lost get over it .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now @seawulf575 poll workers and election workers are being seriously intimidated and threatened in Georgia how come you are not condemning that?

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF there is legitimately so much REAL testimony, WHY is the 45 stacked Supreme Court unwilling to get involved??? When FOX News & Rush Limbaugh won’t back 45’s ass, there is NOTHING stolen!!!

My question is WHY do you refuse to see the FACTS???

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You mean the ones that came forward and have received death threats to themselves and their families? Yeah, I condemn that. Are you saying you condemn it too?

Yellowdog's avatar

@seawulf575 is right. The assaults and death threats were made against those who came forward and were willing to testify about irregularities and fraud—though the news media largely (and incorrectly) presented it as Biden supporters who were threatened.

@LadyMarissa Rush Limbaugh daily covers the election fraud and ongoing court cases—as do most of the talk show hosts on Fox. The Fox network itself, i.e. the news and some of the panel discussions—present a more balanced view of opinions, and have always presented standard Associated Press type news. Fox has presented conservative views in their mix, but has never been a conservative network.

SEKA's avatar

@Yellowdog Bullshit. You are grasping for straws

ragingloli's avatar

“Fox has presented conservative views in their mix, but has never been a conservative network.”
In other news, the sky is green.

ragingloli's avatar

In his urgent demand on Monday that President Trump condemn his angry supporters who are threatening workers and officials overseeing the 2020 vote, a Georgia elections official focused on an animated image of a hanging noose that had been sent to a young voting-machine technician.

“It’s just wrong,” the official, Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, said at a news conference. “I can’t begin to explain the level of anger I have over this.”

But the technician in Georgia is not alone. Far from it.

Across the nation, election officials and their staff have been bombarded in recent weeks with emails, telephone calls and letters brimming with menace and threats of violence, the result of their service in a presidential election in which the defeated candidate’s most ardent followers have refused to accept the results.

The noose may be approaching meme status among the recipients of the abuse. Amber McReynolds, the head of the National Vote at Home Institute, a nonprofit organization that promotes voting by mail, said she had experienced a spike in online threats since Election Day, when Mr. Trump ratcheted up false claims that fraudulent mail votes had cost him the election. One serial harasser on Twitter, she said, has been especially venomous.

“He sent me a picture of a noose and said, ‘You’re a traitor to the American people,’” she said. “All because I run a nonprofit that tries to make voting by mail easier and more secure.”

“I personally have gotten 10 or 12 of those — emails with the nooses, images of people who have been hung,” said the chief election official of one Western state, who refused to be named for fear of drawing even more threats. “They don’t reference anything you’re doing wrong. They’re just, ‘This election was stolen. We know you had something to do with it. We’re going to come for you.’”

That official, like some others, said the threats had been sent not just to high-ranking officials whose profiles have been raised by news media interviews, but to comparatively unknown members of their staffs.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Also, health care officials in various states have had their family homes surrounded by armed groups. And a scientist in Florida who was fired for releasing real data on Covid cases but continued to update from home, had the police come with guns and take away all her computers and technical equipment.

It’s pretty clear where the violence is coming from.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

And we wonder why the US is swamped with Covid cases. Damn, can’t figure that out at all.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Mr. No Mores Neighborhood, can you say: Morons?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And yet our two favourite Fright wingers still try and spin it to blame democrats, after all nothing is their confederate flag saying Trump forever fault.
But to go and say it’s their people receiving the threats ,and the other one saying well Fox has shown conservative views but never really been a fright wing network.
I think they might really believe what they are saying BUT don’t expect us to get hungry for your BBQ bullshit on a bun.

ragingloli's avatar

They are gaslighting, plain and simple.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah true @ragingloli sorry I should see it with these two.
You would think they would get extremely dizzy from all their spinning of everything.

Yellowdog's avatar

The general population does not even know who these poll workers and election officials are. Threats, physical assault, doxing, is only happening to those who have come forward to publicly expose election fraud and tampering.

We all saw. in five states where Trump was ahead by hundreds of thousands of votes, the counting shut down, the observers and press sent home, the counting continuing in secret with hundreds of thousands of votes dumped at odd times like 4:00 A.M—all or over 90% for Biden, putting him in the lead.

And there are over 600 whistleblowers with signed affidavits telling how it happened, facing harassment, assault and threats.

ragingloli's avatar

“Threats, physical assault, doxing, is only happening to those who have come forward to publicly expose election fraud and tampering.”
Now you are just straight up lying.

Yellowdog's avatar

How would anyone even know who these poll workers are if they had not come forward?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh good grief @seawulf575 Dana nestle threatened those so called whistle blowers because claiming fraud when there is no fraud is a crime in it self.

And sidneypowell oh goodness you have something there I mean she can prove that the dictator of Venezuela was behind this massive fraud, only problem he has been dead for 7 years.

And that postal guy has been proven wrong several times yet still clinging to that one.
There is no fraud, and now the Fright wing claims OH YES now over turn it and just give it to us.

You frantic claim is as lame as what you claimed those workers told everyone to leave then committed fraud in plain view of security cameras, I know you think every Democrat is as dumb as a rock, but even us rocks aint going to believe the crock your chucking at us.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

NEWS FLASH: We interrupt your regularly scheduled propaganda fest for this, just in! Trump lost! Its over! Get a life! Better yet, go get a blue Bernie cap and get your head screwed on tight.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump has his base believing that they have been cheated ,sad they believe it and now they have no problem cheating right back.

ragingloli's avatar

And I distinctly remember on an other Q&A site, a user posted a picture of his hometown that featured a distinctive location. I think it was a fast food place or something.
Based on his username it took me maybe half an hour to find out his full name and address.
The internet has made uncovering someone’s identity ridiculously easy.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: Public employees are just that, public. Their names and salary, and other information, is public. I’m a public employee, and I can look up my name and salary on websites. I can look up my daughter’s teachers’ salaries on websites. Board of Elections officials and workers are public employees.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’ve seen the same poll workers at my polling place for every election since I moved to this town (12 years ago). Were I so inclined it would be staggeringly easy to find out who each and every one of them are.

SEKA's avatar

My parents were poll workers for 20 years who only stopped when they died

I hate to quote the old orange one; but, if you don’t like our election result, go back to where you came from

stanleybmanly's avatar

I mean the fool’s own appointed judges have been forced to bend over backwards in search of polite ways to call the idiot AND his supporters bat shit crazy. It is now 55 straight noes from every court available to these clowns with the majority of them telling the fool to his face that his allegations are so absurd that the court finds it too embarrassing to even CONSIDER them. For the two diehards here, clearly the fluther jury is not going to side with either you or your idiotic misanthrope. The 2 of you MUST do better. Surely you can find more plausible disinformation to pimp here. Do you actually prefer that we believe you are as stupid as your champion?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t worry @stanleybmanly the other Fright wingerS will join in on “Hillary Hillary! ! ! ” CHANT

SEKA's avatar

If I filed 50 frivolous lawsuits, I’m prey damn sure that my ass would be going to jail

Darth_Algar's avatar

I don’t know about jail, but lawyers have been disbarred for filing less than that.

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