General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Congress has to pass a new budget by September 30, or we'll have another (!) government shutdown. Will the House republicans get it together and pass a budget? Or will they play their usual stupid games?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33764points) September 18th, 2024

We have all seen this movie before. House Republicans have a hissy fit and decide to make fools of themselves and the government shuts down until smarter people prevail.

And with elections less than two months away, it’s a particularly idiotic time for the republicans to make fools of themselves.

What do you think? Will the ideologues, MAGAs, and Tea Partiers try to hold the rest of the country hostage again?

Or will they be sensible this time?

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17 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Politician’s will always play politics. Except when at a tipping point, but thats not guaranteed.

zenvelo's avatar

They are already playing games. Mike Johnson is adding on a voter suppression measure to the funding bill despite that the only illegal votes come from Republicans.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They’re stupid. Except for John McCain.

ragingloli's avatar

“Or will they play their usual stupid games?”
Does a bear shit in the woods?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They are starting to blame the Dems for Johnson not being able to start the process. . . . there was a vote scheduled last week that Johnson scuttled when he couldn’t get GOP together.

Oh the bill will not get past the Senate which is Democratic party controlled.
That won’t include the speaker’s plan, which is dead on arrival in the Democratic-controlled Senate and faces a veto threat from President Joe Biden.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They voted tonight at 7:00, no bueno, looks like the US will not have a budget.

Johnson is driving the bus with Trump yelling in Johnson’s ear. SMH

Lightlyseared's avatar

You guys are aware this is not a sustainable way to run a country?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Lightlyseared You understand that the large amounts of the budget is paying off past debts and giving the ultra rich a tax break . . . balance the budget by increasing the taxes on the ultra rich which is contrary to GOP. platform.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Tropical_Willie so… similar to most other western countries budgets. Except they manage it without quite so much circus and everyone stopping working. because they’re not getting paid. You do understand that not normal.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

GOP’s Johnson is following the instructions from Trump to force a every nonsensical add to the budget. Trump hopes to “throw shade” on the Dems. by blaming them for GOP failure to start budget.. . . . I Think the opposite will happen in November.

janbb's avatar

@Lightlyseared You are correct. This business of having to vote on the budget several times a year is nonsensical.

Forever_Free's avatar

Republican leaders knew they had probably set up the vote to fail. This is how they play with people and their life’s. They don’t care. They will try to blame Dems yet if it their own infighting to blame.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Well, every seat in the House of Representatives is up for election in November, so yes.

Strauss's avatar

As long as members of Congress can tie items to the vote that have nothing to do with the budget we’ll always have this type of pissing contest brinksmanship

Strauss's avatar

If you’re ever wondering why the US has such an enormous debt, remember this:
(1) the debt has grown mainly because of Republican tax cuts, (2) those cuts have mostly benefited the rich
(3) the rich are now the major recipients of interest payments on that debt,
(4) and those interest payments are crowding out spending on childcare, elder care, affordable housing, better schools, paid family leave, and everything Americans need.

zenvelo's avatar

According to today’s Wall Street Journal (conservative paper of record) Trump’s budget plan would increase the deficit by 7.5 Trillion, twice as much the Dem proposal.

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