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fundevogel's avatar

Are romance movies and bodice-rippers porn for women?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) March 22nd, 2009

Are these things aimed at exciting female sexuality like porn would for a man? Could they enforce unreasonable ideas or expectations about sex, relationships and the opposite sex, as porn is accused of doing?

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23 Answers

marinelife's avatar

No. They are wish fulfillment and fantasy about relationships.

In the sense that men in these novels are never commitment-phobic, into multiple partners or one-night stands, and always look beyond a woman’s looks to her character and beauty within, they certainly could lead to false expectations, but most women know what men are like in the real world. They just like reading about the fantasy romance and perfect guy.

asmonet's avatar

I’d like someone to rip a bodice off me. Oh my!

But yeah, they’re complete nonsense.
See Marina’s answer.

fundevogel's avatar

@Marina and @asmonet
I don’t see how them being nonsense means they can’t be porn. Porn isn’t exactly loaded with well-reasoned intellectual fodder. And porn is totally about fantasy, if men and women fantasize about different things it would make sense for their porn to cater to different desires.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@asmonet i’d like to see that too.

ubersiren's avatar

I think that most women don’t masturbate to movies like that. It’s more of an emotional fantasy. The only thing that is porn for women is… porn. Women don’t rely on these romantic movies to masturbate to like men do with porn movies. If a woman’s husband were to be out for the evening and get the itch, she’d be more likely to just do the deed, I think. Or, if she’s into porn, she would use real porn, not “Atonement.”

galileogirl's avatar

When I was in my 20’s I worked with a group of women who were much older. They worked in the same room all day and then sat at the same table for lunch. I made an excuse early on that I was on a diet and took a book and sat in a sunny hall and had a piece of fruit for lunch, After a few month’s the 60-something supervisor brought me a shopping bag full of ‘bodice-rippers’ I was into biographies, history and Agatha Christie type mysteries and had never read anything like this. I couldn’t believe that people paid money for that stuff.

laureth's avatar

Porn tickles what a man needs tickled. (Sexual gratification.)

Romance novels tickle what a woman needs tickled. (Emotional gratification.)

Sounds pretty equivalent, inasmuch as exceptions exist for both. But saying romance novels are “porn for women” is like saying that porn is “romance novels for men” – it makes it sound really funny that way. :)

Neither one of them tickle me all that much. I prefer the real thing in both situations.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Porn is porn. Romance novels are romance novels.

There is porn specifically made for women, with people having sex and everything.

marinelife's avatar

Most women, I am sure there are exceptions, are not into porn. That just isn’t why they read the books. If you ask them, you will see that they read them to escape from the drudgery of everyday life or for entertainment, but not for sexual stimulation.

ShauneP82's avatar

I know a lot of girls that say it is.

Clair's avatar

no, porn is porn for women.

eponymoushipster's avatar

some say a meaningful look from my eyes alone is all the porn a lady needs.

Clair's avatar

i guess i’m no lady. porn is porn.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Clair look into my eyes.

Clair's avatar

@eponymoushipster bah, let’s go watch porn

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Clair “and after the party is the afterparty….”. ok

fundevogel's avatar

lol, the one with the man vacuuming is sexy, though it doesn’t seem to be a very vacuum-friendly stance.

proXXi's avatar

LOL, since when does p0rn involve practical posture?

fundevogel's avatar

true, true :)

IlonaW's avatar

When I read romance novels I never get the feeling to masturbate. The sexual parts don’t turn me on. Where as when people watch porn people are turned on by it, “other wise they wouldn’t be watching?” he he. But as a woman reading romance novels or watching porn doesn’t do anything for me, I prefer the intimacy with a real man, not something I can read or watch.

Bronny's avatar

my sex education basically came from trashy romance novels that my grandmother left lying around. i would skip ahead to the sex scenes and masturbate. because of reading those at such a young age, i would definitely say they skewed my expectations from sex and relationships. you learn fast thru trial and error however, and since growing up prefer books that reflect reality bs escaping into fantasy. i just depends on the person i suppose.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

No….“House Beautiful” and “Architectural Digest” are porn for women. :)

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