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What is your favorite food outside your cultural meal traditions?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 23 responses -
What could it possibly mean when your eyelids are involuntarily twitching?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 12 responses -
Have you ever marched in a Gay Pride parade (or any other kind of parade)?
Asked by downtide | 29 responses -
What do you think of parents paying their children for good grades?
Asked by SuperMouse | 39 responses -
What if your spouse was a prisoner in a different country?
Asked by chelle21689 | 6 responses -
What is the obsession with tanning?
Asked by thebluewaffle | 19 responses -
Why in the world would any one feel it's OK to use cuss words when having a casual, non-confrontational conversation with a complete stranger?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 36 responses -
Is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) being sabotaged from the future?
Asked by mattbrowne | 38 responses -
Some people are happy with a moderate lifestyle, and some seem to need more to be happy. What causes the contrast between people needing more or less to be happy?
Asked by Blackberry | 20 responses -
Will Osama Bin laden die before he has the chance to see the inside of a court room?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 45 responses -
Women: Are there sites on the internet with photography of men that you frequent?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 28 responses -
What is the point of life?
Asked by mowens | 34 responses -
NSFW Do the sounds that form a swearword have an impact on its severity, despite its meaning? (see details).
Asked by harple | 26 responses -
What would you do if your opinion on what is right conflicted with what benefits you?
Asked by Mariah | 17 responses -
How different are people really?
Asked by tups | 25 responses -
Most powerful song lyrics?
Asked by SamIAm | 24 responses -
Do you remember Wally's Filling Station, Foley's Market, Walker's Drug Store and the original Floyd's Barber Shop?
Asked by Strauss | 15 responses -
Are there some accidents that are so horrific that you don't know how to process it?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 14 responses -
What is one helpful tip or piece of advice you would like to share with the collective?
Asked by jca | 41 responses -
I need some sound advice on how to deal with heavy mould?
Asked by Shippy | 11 responses -
Can a former 2-term president be elected vice president here in the US?
Asked by tedd | 14 responses -
Is "Love at first sight" real or fantasy?
Asked by Charles | 37 responses -
When you let someone else make the first move, what do you give up?
Asked by wundayatta | 6 responses -
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Asked by thesparrow | 37 responses -
Should I Give This Flake Another Chance?
Asked by Gabby101 from iPhone | 17 responses -
All you bicyclers I have a question for you (NSFW)
Asked by creative1 | 14 responses -
How do you befriend new people quickly?
Asked by tups | 12 responses -
"Wipe the sleep out of your eyes". exactly, what does this mean?
Asked by john65pennington | 8 responses -
Why is the mind also referred to as "soul"?
Asked by whiteliondreams | 24 responses -
Renewing wedding vows: Why?
Asked by rebbel | 17 responses -
Are uncertain possibilities: hope, luck, chance, or other?
Asked by whiteliondreams | 11 responses -
Shouldn't Social Media be well... social?
Asked by HolisticBusinessCoaching | 3 responses -
What is this Apple Ipod?
Asked by confusedinlancing | 7 responses -
When kids are caught misbehaving why does the first reaction tend to be to think they need to be hit more?
Asked by SuperMouse | 26 responses -
(NSFW) Are there any women out there that really like butch lesbians?
Asked by spykenij | 19 responses
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