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Is anybody familiar with the simulation game featured in the documentary World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements?
Asked by LostInParadise | 1 response -
A question for a native Spanish speaker.
Asked by Tevye | 32 responses -
What would make our society more "just?"?
Asked by rawrgrr | 15 responses -
Is it ok to have children beyond your twenties?
Asked by Eggie | 42 responses -
Why do some parents insist on keeping their children in bubbles?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 25 responses -
Times in your life when you've liked someone, did you make the first move as far as indicating that you liked them, or did you wait for them to show you that they liked you before you did anything?
Asked by jca | 17 responses -
Which job/profession(s) do you consider sexy?
Asked by tups | 25 responses -
If you had two spare hours per day to do whatever you wanted (not what you need to do, i.e. pay bills or clean the house, for example), what would you do with this new-found leisure time?
Asked by jca | 34 responses -
You've won an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world. Where are you going? Wait - there's a catch...
Asked by Seelix | 61 responses -
Have any of you experienced anything that just made you completely crack up lately?
Asked by laurenkem | 24 responses -
Why did you take your job?
Asked by wundayatta | 24 responses -
What is your favorite spy movie?
Asked by athenasgriffin | 17 responses -
Have you ever regretted not having relations with someone in the past?
Asked by tedd | 10 responses -
If books that you'd love to have read could be implanted in your mind - which would you choose?
Asked by zensky | 16 responses -
How can I get my appetite back?
Asked by jordym84 | 23 responses -
Do you think this is murder, manslaughter or justifiable homicide? [See details].
Asked by ETpro | 104 responses -
OK, I understand "legally blind" but how does it differ from being "illegally blind"?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
What would you like to experience on a dream-like Hawai`ian vacation?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
What song makes you feel nostalgic?
Asked by tianalovesyou | 19 responses -
If I were to say childhood holidays/vacation, what location would you type here, almost without hesitation?
Asked by ucme | 40 responses -
What is your highest level of education, and if you have a degree of any type, what is your major?
Asked by jca | 54 responses -
If you could show a younger you the results of a decision you regret now, do you think you would do things differently?
Asked by athenasgriffin | 22 responses -
If you were thin in your youth, but overweight in adulthood, are you aware of what changed?
Asked by JLeslie | 14 responses -
How would you feel if life's circumstances prevented you from finishing a graduate degree (see details)?
Asked by prolificus | 10 responses -
(NSFW) How can I stop being afraid of birth control?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 16 responses -
Can Xanax or Valium prevent heart attacks or cancer?
Asked by Aster | 9 responses -
Will you play the "So what's the wooord?" game?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 15 responses -
What is wrong with a man who does this? Is it as obnoxious as I think it is?
Asked by Aster | 26 responses -
If you were dating a woman like this, what would you think?
Asked by cazzie | 23 responses -
What is more important to you, pay or benefits when considering accepting a job?
Asked by chyna | 17 responses -
On a scale of 1 to 10 how motivated by money are you?
Asked by RareDenver | 29 responses -
What is the proper etiquette for gift giving for a wedding?
Asked by beachbum76 | 30 responses -
What is the worst song you've heard lately?
Asked by cockswain | 19 responses -
Can you tell me much or everything I need to know about taking a cruise to Alaska?
Asked by josie | 10 responses -
What kind of animal could a pirate have, besides a parrot?
Asked by Berserker | 42 responses
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