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Why should voters be protected against unlimited free speech for corporations?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
What would you describe as spectacular?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 29 responses -
The other day, an A Clockwork Orange like attack on a couple took place and I am shaken - how do these psychopaths live with themselves?
Asked by zensky | 27 responses -
Should a person grab every opportunity possible?
Asked by tups | 11 responses -
Got some good links to basic Adobe Illustrator tutorials?
Asked by dreamwolf | 4 responses -
Do you think the Internet as we know it is in danger?
Asked by anam | 25 responses -
Can you help me find the right word/s? [See details].
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
Do you like these trousers?
Asked by peter29 | 15 responses -
Does anyone call their baby daughter "the little woman?"?
Asked by rooeytoo | 42 responses -
For people who are not proud of their country, if you were given the opportunity to take your family to another, uninhabited land and have a chance at a new life, would you take it?
Asked by jca | 12 responses -
Nightly dreams of buying Apple products!
Asked by Lost_World | 10 responses -
Constipated six-month old. What would you do?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 38 responses -
Invasive weed question 1: What's the best way to get rid of poison ivy?
Asked by lillycoyote | 7 responses -
Wanna play W D R O F U D E with me (IRL)?
Asked by rebbel | 5 responses -
Caption competition! Use your creativity and come up with a catchy caption. Are you game?
Asked by rebbel | 18 responses -
Will Alzheimers be gone by 2025?
Asked by Charles | 6 responses -
Do chiropractors really help?
Asked by blueknight73 | 24 responses -
Do you ever belittle your problems so you don't have to deal with them?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 23 responses -
Have you ever seen something like a flash light?
Asked by MrsLorraine | 31 responses -
Will banning texting while walking make the world a safer place?
Asked by Cruiser | 34 responses -
What are some concepts that we have a lot of words for?
Asked by DominicX | 12 responses -
Will you help me plan to the perfect week in/near Paris?
Asked by picante | 17 responses -
Are stretch marks on breasts a turn off?
Asked by Reggz | 12 responses -
Adding Content To A Webpage?
Asked by anon30 | 24 responses -
What special memory do you have of your mother?
Asked by Bellatrix | 30 responses -
Do you feel that this dress is in violation of this dress code?
Asked by diavolobella | 34 responses -
How would dating and marriage work with conjoined twins?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 9 responses -
Will Incarcerex actually win our War on Drugs?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
An example of a song you've liked over the years, that surprised you a little?
Asked by ucme | 16 responses -
What makes women (or men, for that matter) go into the adult video business?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 27 responses -
If you could recommend only one place in the whole of America...?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 24 responses -
Who has read the book: Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle? Important themes in this book?
Asked by victoriasalcedo9907 | 9 responses -
Biclyclists, do you clip in to the pedals? How did you get used to unclipping?
Asked by SuperMouse | 5 responses -
How much and in what ways should the high school behavior (including crimes) of a middle aged or elderly person still affect their present employment or treatment in society?
Asked by jca | 78 responses -
How do you dissolve friendships that do nothing but irk you?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses
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