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Where have all the science majors gone?
Asked by Charles | 15 responses -
What's the gutsiest thing that you never did?
Asked by Nullo | 20 responses -
When did kooky local TV stations die?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 7 responses -
Can someone help me with my zipper?
Asked by wilma | 12 responses -
If Catholicism is about self sacrifice and giving to the poor then why does the Vatican have to keep so much wealth and high value assets?
Asked by bongo | 27 responses -
Best Protoss strategies for 4v4 on Star Craft 2?
Asked by auhsojsa | 1 response -
How do you express that you want and need to be touched by your SO, without asking for it?
Asked by ElsiePea | 59 responses -
What words make you wonder, "Why on earth is there a word for this?"?
Asked by Fly | 20 responses -
Can you give some concrete, every day examples of what you think Thomas Grey meant when he said, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise."?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 12 responses -
How do I let him down easy? (Details inside).
Asked by mambo | 6 responses -
What is one proverb/idiom that you would say has helped you most in your life?
Asked by Schroedes13 | 27 responses -
Can you help identify a space movie?
Asked by DrBill | 5 responses -
What can you laugh at now that in the past would have made you mad?
Asked by Cruiser | 16 responses -
Can you laugh at the parts of your personal views/religion/beliefs that are inconsistent or funny?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 32 responses -
Reviews on Tyra Banks' new book?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 28 responses -
(Potentially NSFW) Would you take a "love pill" to improve your relationship?
Asked by lonelydragon | 19 responses -
What are pets for? What are things that pet owners do that seem borderline offensive to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 61 responses -
Which home would you take?
Asked by tedd | 19 responses -
What would go with this hat I just bought?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 14 responses -
Anybody out there who is as excited about The Avengers movie opening this week as I am?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 47 responses -
Have any of you awakened the Kundalini within you?
Asked by Summum | 28 responses -
Should Internet access be a public good, like roads?
Asked by submariner | 119 responses -
What do you make of this dream I had? (my turn to ask a dream question)
Asked by yankeetooter | 12 responses -
What would happen if Chris Berman was hired by CNN back in 1980?
Asked by Charles | 1 response -
What should be my next course of action to find this puppy?
Asked by InkyAnn | 10 responses -
How is "y'all" doin'?
Asked by thorninmud | 73 responses -
Was Thomas Kinkade a talented painter, or overmarketed hack?
Asked by filmfann | 66 responses -
How many planets can the naked eye see?
Asked by Berserker | 29 responses -
Would a pregnancy be more likely to occur from a married couple or a couple just living together?
Asked by john65pennington | 18 responses -
Explanation to my dream?
Asked by kmk | 5 responses -
What would be the worst wedding songs?
Asked by Charles | 24 responses -
Who was the best HULK?
Asked by filmfann | 14 responses -
Are the Koch Brothers an example of free speech gone horridly, horribly wrong?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 70 responses -
Freemium: Obscure or well-known portmanteau?
Asked by ETpro | 17 responses -
What would you list as the top 10 challenges to America's strength?
Asked by ETpro | 27 responses
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