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Are atheists more genuinely sincere?
Asked by Charles | 13 responses -
Who is the real owner of the winning lottery ticket in Arkansas?
Asked by john65pennington | 9 responses -
If there was 0% chance of STDs and pregnancy?
Asked by Charles | 24 responses -
Why are manual transmissions in cars making a big comeback?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 9 responses -
I'm looking to try something new. In your opinion, what is the best tasting beer?
Asked by Jude | 60 responses -
Will you befriend him if you know that he's a 'gay'?.
Asked by Your_Majesty | 57 responses -
Is anyone in your family gay/bi/lesbian ?
Asked by allansmithee | 71 responses -
How to solve this "mechanics" problem?
Asked by silverangel | 3 responses -
I-Pod / MP3 playlist - How many do you listen to?
Asked by bewailknot | 14 responses -
How to deal with a grumpy co-worker?
Asked by broncosgirl | 14 responses -
Is it Monday or Friday?
Asked by Trillian | 12 responses -
Has anyone tried acupuncture for breaking up scar tissue?
Asked by Ponderer983 | 9 responses -
Why is one woman never enough?
Asked by Mmmmbop | 43 responses -
Does our sense of beauty serve any purpose?
Asked by LostInParadise | 19 responses -
If people work excessively hard at preventing global warming, isn't there a risk of going too far and causing global cooling?
Asked by josie | 10 responses -
Is there a way to find out who the best doctors in a given field really are?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 10 responses -
Is the internet a threat to Christians?
Asked by Charles | 45 responses -
Did your parents/guardians ever say certain phrases throughout your childhood? If so, what were they?
Asked by Plucky | 74 responses -
Should doctors be allowed to refuse non-emergency treatments to patients unless they lose weight or stop smoking?
Asked by Charles | 29 responses -
Can you control your dreams?
Asked by angermanagement | 12 responses -
(NSFW) Have you ever tried to discipline yourself by not pleasuring yourself?
Asked by Blackberry | 23 responses -
What are the rules around discussing a story plot with friends?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 14 responses -
Do people collect stamps, build puzzles, or maintain such hobbies anymore?
Asked by Charles | 20 responses -
Mermaids and their bodies (if they existed in the first place) -- and how they appear in images historical and modern. Modesty?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 11 responses -
What brings you joy and happiness in life?
Asked by Jay484 | 9 responses -
Do you think your sense of identity could exist independently of the physical architecture it currently resides in?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
In past failed relationships, was there a moment or incident when you knew it wouldn't work or it was over?
Asked by ohmyword | 20 responses -
What, if anything, are you planning to do to mark the 10th anniversary of 9-11?
Asked by Kayak8 | 6 responses -
Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 36?
Asked by creative1 | 662 responses -
Do you think youth today are better or worse than past generations?
Asked by Charles | 21 responses -
What's the fastest you've ever had something delivered (via mail of some sort)
Asked by tedd | 6 responses -
Most memorable arrests, either from movies/tv or real life?
Asked by ucme | 9 responses -
If ground beef is hamburger what do you call ground ham?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
Were songs, recorded in studio "stereo", just a fad?
Asked by john65pennington | 6 responses -
Do your kids have the same political beliefs as you do?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 22 responses
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