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Zelda fans; any word as to when a new game will come out (I know that one was just released, last year) And, anything that you'd like to see with the next Zelda game?
Asked by Jude | 8 responses -
I have trouble connecting my laptop to the internet router... Help please!
Asked by silverangel | 11 responses -
Where is the best place for news online?
Asked by jazmina88 | 14 responses -
Who are more tolerant of others' perspectives, atheists or people of faith?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 115 responses -
Why doesn't God make his existence too obvious to ignore?
Asked by Charles | 27 responses -
What are your plans for Superbowl Sunday?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 35 responses -
Are humans conditioned to like "spoiled" food?
Asked by JaneraSolomon | 8 responses -
What is the only snack or food you can eat everyday for the rest of your life?
Asked by mignondefleur | 25 responses -
"Liberals"- Which Republican candidate would you like to see in the general election?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 62 responses -
How is this man not arrested already?
Asked by tedd | 12 responses -
How can noises (like white noise) have colors?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 11 responses -
How would the economy work in a world where people weren't materialistic?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses -
Would raising the driving age have significant ecological benefits?
Asked by CugelTheClueless | 27 responses -
Does your religion make you a better person?
Asked by Charles | 18 responses -
Most effective way to clear phlegm from the throat from a cold?
Asked by AshlynM | 8 responses -
Men who have witnessed childbirth: has it changed the way you perceive women?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 11 responses -
Do you consider the under-educated to be riff-raff? Do you see a difference between un-educated and under-educated?
Asked by DaphneT | 16 responses -
Is bowling a sport?
Asked by SuperMouse | 30 responses -
What is the farthest length you have ever run at one time?
Asked by erichw1504 | 24 responses -
I know my pet loves me when...?
Asked by SpatzieLover | 40 responses -
What sports do you enjoy practicing ?
Asked by Hibernate | 30 responses -
What hurts more? Losing by one, or getting blown out?
Asked by Charles | 20 responses -
Curling: Stupid or sport?
Asked by lilikoi | 42 responses -
Do you have any interesting videos about animals in the wild?
Asked by Berserker | 19 responses -
If you were a serious student and thought you would "make a difference", would you be able to justify your role in triviality?
Asked by Blueroses | 9 responses -
Is capitalism the best long-term economic model? [Please read details].
Asked by ETpro | 42 responses -
Why do Republicans deliberately and knowingly use so many big lies as campaign tools?
Asked by ETpro | 37 responses -
If Clinton decided to run again, would you vote for him? Why or why not?
Asked by Jude | 13 responses -
I am sorry, I was thinking out loud. What could you have been saying out loud, accidentally, and to whom?
Asked by rebbel | 13 responses -
Are cooked vegetables empty sources of nutrients?
Asked by auhsojsa | 10 responses -
What can you do to fall asleep in the middle of the day?
Asked by mignondefleur | 15 responses -
Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney: How Unamerican is it to be able to speak French?
Asked by mattbrowne | 34 responses -
How do you transition acquaintances to become your friend?
Asked by chelle21689 | 22 responses -
How does optimism help you overcome your obstacles?
Asked by tianalovesyou | 7 responses -
Who are the best Republicans in the US from the Democrat perspective?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses
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