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What’s right with the world?
Asked by EverRose11 | 22 responses -
India factory workers revolt and kill company president. What do you think?
Asked by Blackberry | 28 responses -
Anyone feel guilty after eating something bad ?
Asked by partyrock | 33 responses -
Is emotion or logic more important in humanity ?
Asked by EverRose11 | 16 responses -
To you, can a convicted criminal, who has served his/her time, start again from scratch?
Asked by rebbel | 16 responses -
What do you think about nuclear power plants to generate electricity?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 33 responses -
If mouth-pleasure was bad, what type of bad would it be? (please just agnostics) and (NSFW).
Asked by jrpowell | 37 responses -
Why won't you watch the Academy Awards?
Asked by Charles | 24 responses -
Why do politicians talk about the Hispanic vote in Florida and immigration policy?
Asked by JLeslie | 19 responses -
Is "competitive eating" the ultimate symbol of what's wrong with the USA?
Asked by JaneraSolomon | 17 responses -
How can short men seduce women like taller men do?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 38 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#1).
Asked by rebbel | 31 responses -
Becoming the best possible version of yourself?
Asked by chriswin | 12 responses -
To what degree are authoritarian, or Illegitimate, governments responsible for the crimes or actions of its citizens?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
Advertising minority achievement: Good or Bad?
Asked by Charles | 4 responses -
People who know me really well know that when I say ___ I really mean ___...
Asked by harple | 26 responses -
In the film "Twins" - Danny de Vito is paired with Arnold. Can you think of any other examples of this kind of pairing?
Asked by zensky | 14 responses -
What if there was a way to pre-certify the truth of political ads?
Asked by LostInParadise | 7 responses -
What will it take to cancel Easter?
Asked by reijinni | 26 responses -
What would you do with child killer Michael Woodmansee? See Details.
Asked by SpatzieLover | 24 responses -
Can you think of people (real or fictional) who can be identified by their hat?
Asked by 6rant6 | 119 responses -
Marriage. What to do?
Asked by Unknown82 | 36 responses -
Is the gay community wrong to insist that being gay is always biologically determined?
Asked by Aethelflaed | 76 responses -
Is there such a thing as right or wrong or are they just people's perceptions ?
Asked by EverRose11 | 36 responses -
How do you plan on contributing to the betterment of the U.S. now?
Asked by EverRose11 | 11 responses -
Is there internet access in heaven and hell?
Asked by FutureMemory | 18 responses -
Is Mathematics based on faith in logic?
Asked by talljasperman | 29 responses -
What’s one big question you’d like answered?
Asked by EverRose11 | 10 responses -
If thinking was bad, what kind of bad would it be? (only college graduates answer please)
Asked by FutureMemory | 16 responses -
Fran Drescher believes she was abducted by aliens. I figure this makes her a bullshitter, or psychotic. Which do you think it is?
Asked by saint | 21 responses -
What are some other (read details) shortcuts that might help you figure out if the one you're with is 'the one'?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 7 responses -
I keep eating things that continue to keep me fat, what is wrong with me?
Asked by auhsojsa | 9 responses -
Can someone explain nature vs nurture? Have scientists figured this out?
Asked by partyrock | 9 responses -
What kind of trends have you noticed lately?
Asked by rOs | 55 responses -
Does anyone have an idea about how the news sheet worked on the show Babylon 5?
Asked by DaphneT | 6 responses
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