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NSFW How do you decide about cirumcision?
Asked by sleepdoc | 117 responses -
Poll: how many people believe that the U.S. should stay out of foreign wars?
Asked by john65pennington | 13 responses -
Does anyone celebrate Kwanzaa?
Asked by unused_bagels | 7 responses -
[Potentially NSFW] What can you do if you come across someone online bragging about committing a crime?
Asked by Mariah | 22 responses -
Is it better to dye your hair first then cut it?
Asked by remambermee | 10 responses -
Who would you really like to meet - and why?
Asked by seazen | 30 responses -
What is the reason for giving two craps about the whole blonde v. brunette v. redhead battle?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 89 responses -
Which words or names qualify for asterixation?
Asked by rebbel | 7 responses -
(NSFW potentially) Are lesbians as obsessed with breasts as men are?
Asked by FutureMemory | 9 responses -
Do women who wear no bra in public bother you?
Asked by Frenchfry | 47 responses -
Would you do it?
Asked by Charles | 23 responses -
NSFW: Why do women find it sexually arousing to have their breasts touched?
Asked by cockswain | 27 responses -
Just curious as to how many bisexual jellies that we have in the lagoon. Are you bi?
Asked by Jude | 61 responses -
If a guy always answers your text messages and emails very quickly, does that mean he is into you?
Asked by partyrock | 26 responses -
Does the church you attend talk about the economy or pursuing wealth?
Asked by JLeslie | 15 responses -
What did old people look like in 1990?
Asked by NayNayNayNay | 19 responses -
If they passed a "Papers please." Law in your state, would your current ID show you are a US citizen?
Asked by ETpro | 61 responses -
{NSFW} Have you ever had a threesome, foursome "moresome"?
Asked by JustJessica | 25 responses -
(nsfw- if you make it like that) Know any benefits from abstaining masturbation?
Asked by Male | 15 responses -
How big a role does stress play in life?
Asked by philosopher | 8 responses -
Why is there no demand for a female viagra?
Asked by rojo | 37 responses -
What causes a person to smile and nod when someone insults them?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 27 responses -
Is Upsidaisium the secret metal from the movie Avatar that made the mountains float?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
Would I be the only one terrified of working with cash? I don't think I could ever do the job of a cashier!
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 9 responses -
Petty annoyance #47: What is with this trend toward making parking lots more visually interesting than useful?
Asked by Blueroses | 18 responses -
Would you fly on 9/11?
Asked by YARNLADY | 16 responses -
Independent children of divorced parents, what about the holidays? (see details)
Asked by JilltheTooth | 8 responses -
What do Jews and other people of a religious minority do on Christmas Eve?
Asked by ohVaNiLLaGoRiLLa | 24 responses -
How was 2011 for you?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 25 responses -
Why are science shows better than science class?
Asked by talljasperman | 20 responses -
Please tell me what you know about projection issues.
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 8 responses -
I have a matter duplicator. May I kill you?
Asked by SmashTheState | 34 responses -
NSFW - Would a man with performance problems break up a relationship?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 15 responses -
What causes alcoholics to drink alcohol to a fault, and be cantankerous in the first place?
Asked by NayNayNayNay | 23 responses -
What is the craziest story you heard on Christmas?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 7 responses
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