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How do you generalize yourself?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 25 responses -
Why is the US giving aid to China? Aren't they loaning us money? Does this sound insane to you?
Asked by philosopher | 16 responses -
Would you like to add your own nominations to the best and worst of Christmas music?
Asked by harple | 38 responses -
How can eight U.S. troops be charged for negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter, in relation to another troop member's suicide?
Asked by Deelon_Pearson | 23 responses -
Do you know someone who's either never had a relationship who can't keep a partner and you're honestly surprised?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 17 responses -
Neighbor kicked out a roommate, but is being sued. Does kicked out roommate actually have a case?
Asked by NosyBut | 7 responses -
Can you believe this, 6 arrested in Orlando for feeding the homeless?
Asked by ETpro | 37 responses -
TO what degree does the physical attractiveness of the news reader enter into whether you watch that particular channel or network?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 10 responses -
Why do people on bicycles and scooters feel that they don't need to follow the laws of the road?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 15 responses -
Did you accomplish the dreams you had in life?
Asked by Earthflag | 13 responses -
Do you know of a story where the element of time passing made it more amazing?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 20 responses -
Is this a good reason NOT to carry a cellphone in your hip pocket?
Asked by john65pennington | 13 responses -
Should an airline's first-class section be adults-only?
Asked by Plucky | 39 responses -
Would you describe your idea of a perfect mate?
Asked by samwas | 32 responses -
What's the inside story on greyhounds as pets?
Asked by submariner | 7 responses -
Why the heck do people use Outlook Express?
Asked by XOIIO | 15 responses -
What is a telefunkin u47?
Asked by skjj57 | 4 responses -
There's something (attractive) about John Deacon from Queen (in his younger years). Who would be your celebrity "sexy ugly"?
Asked by Jude | 35 responses -
What do you think are the three most important skills to surviving the Apocalypse are?
Asked by judochop | 34 responses -
Have you heard that researchers are working on self repairing computer chips?
Asked by philosopher | 3 responses -
Is the baring of skin always sexual? At what point, if ever, does it become necessarily sexual?
Asked by wundayatta | 55 responses -
My life without you is just like a car without _______?
Asked by Akane | 28 responses -
Do you think ambition has an inherently evil side to it?
Asked by babybadger | 14 responses -
What does Christian Nation mean to you?
Asked by JLeslie | 43 responses -
Does the Enfamil recall extend to any stores other than Walmart?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 3 responses -
What Champagne should I get?
Asked by ETpro | 16 responses -
What song is this?
Asked by Brian1946 | 8 responses -
Have you noticed video games changing in this way?
Asked by Mariah | 15 responses -
What's cheered you up recently?
Asked by Joker94 | 15 responses -
Why do cold symptoms get so much worse when you get into bed?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 24 responses -
Did you hear about NASA’s recent discovery of a planet in the so called Goldilocks Zone?
Asked by philosopher | 31 responses -
What do you do when you get bored ?
Asked by Hibernate | 29 responses -
Why don't I ever get sick?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 20 responses -
Is "mutt" a deragatory word for a mixed-breed dog?
Asked by Supacase | 23 responses -
Bakers, I need your help with a cookie recipe tweak - where to add the cocoa?
Asked by poofandmook | 9 responses
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