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Where were you at age 33?
Asked by fastfox528 | 24 responses -
NSFW - How do you feel about naked females on calendars?
Asked by rooeytoo | 61 responses -
How often do you use Craigslist and does this news story give you pause?
Asked by marinelife | 25 responses -
Are there any foods you can eat to make you hair grow longer, faster?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 13 responses -
Have you a petty revenge to settle?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 14 responses -
Silly question: can you hear sounds from unlikely sources (see details)?
Asked by Mariah | 20 responses -
Ladies: How does your man (or lady) make you feel better when you're PMSy?
Asked by Seelix | 10 responses -
What is your worst stupid idea?
Asked by fujivelo | 10 responses -
What is the place you live in famous for?
Asked by MilkyWay | 76 responses -
What things are ok by your societal norm to be open about?
Asked by sleepdoc | 20 responses -
Where is a place you went to that you will never ever go back to?
Asked by Cruiser | 45 responses -
How is Mr. Krab's daughter a Whale?
Asked by icehky06 | 25 responses -
What do you think of these belief statements?
Asked by beckk | 9 responses -
Black cat crossed my path, unlucky?
Asked by SeaTurtle | 22 responses -
When was the last time you literally stopped to smell the roses?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 40 responses -
Does your face light up when your child walks into the room?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 18 responses -
How much time did the Kessel Run take Han Solo?
Asked by everephebe | 11 responses -
Does the human body have resonance frequency?
Asked by Christian95 | 6 responses -
Do snakes like strawberries?
Asked by john65pennington | 7 responses -
Is there any event, person, creature or object that at whatever age you are, you always feel to be magical?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 46 responses -
I think I'm being stalked?
Asked by AshLeigh | 77 responses -
Youtube. A lovely place and noun, now a verb: How do you youtube? Details.
Asked by zenele | 16 responses -
Is our low economy and live-green drive going to promote freeganism in the U.S.?
Asked by Pele | 13 responses -
Have you seen the green flash?
Asked by Sunny2 | 20 responses -
What was the best date you've ever been on?
Asked by Julietxx3 | 18 responses -
What perks would you like at your job?
Asked by filmfann | 18 responses -
How do you create computer art?
Asked by madmax303 | 18 responses -
Do you ever fart on purpose?
Asked by Mikewlf337 | 46 responses -
Who are some actors/actresses, directors, and producers, that have worked together more than once?
Asked by Brian1946 | 38 responses -
Is water staining on your ceiling of your kitchen caused by icedams and roof leaks?
Asked by marialisa | 12 responses -
Will there be any repercussions for Shwarzenegger other than his wife left him?
Asked by skfinkel | 7 responses -
Why do you think police men abuse their power and what should be done about it?
Asked by Spidermanrulezzz | 15 responses -
All-time most efficient cars?
Asked by Jeremycw1 | 11 responses -
What are your thoughts on allowing teenagers the odd alcoholic drink at home with the family?
Asked by tranquilsea | 21 responses -
Whom would you add to this AFI list of the top 100 stars?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 5 responses
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