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What makes you unhappy?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 23 responses -
Do you think it is fine for people in their nineties to be driving?
Asked by Aster | 15 responses -
A little something cool that you can do?
Asked by zenele | 27 responses -
What was the last thing that really, really made you laugh?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
Today I found out there is actually a difference between hair brushes. What amazing discovery did you recently make?
Asked by rebbel | 24 responses -
Are you happy?
Asked by Deja_vu | 27 responses -
Other than chatting it up with your therapist (family or friend), and taking meds, what do find to be healing?
Asked by Jude | 33 responses -
So on a scale from 1-10, how cool is it for your step-parent to give you no warning that some guy is going to enter your room while you are deep in sleep & naked?
Asked by everephebe | 21 responses -
What do you know about negentropy?
Asked by emergence | 14 responses -
How does this sort of mentality thrive? (See details)
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 29 responses -
How can one prove their skin and surrounding tissue is hardening?
Asked by Flutherit | 8 responses -
What do you think of Steve Jobs and Apple?
Asked by XxSHYxxGUYxX | 10 responses -
Django or Rails?
Asked by stevenelliottjr | 8 responses -
Why do Rails developers hate Java so much?
Asked by stevenelliottjr | 19 responses -
Is it okay for a woman to be braless when home?
Asked by charlie23 | 50 responses -
What kind of silly threats do you make in jest to your loved ones?
Asked by Seelix | 28 responses -
Do government subsides to Big Oil make sense?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
What determines VoIP Phones' quality?
Asked by friedel | 2 responses -
Top 10 movies?
Asked by TrkReznor | 37 responses -
What movie have you seen too many times?
Asked by etignotasanimum | 40 responses -
Was there something you were fascinated by as a child that presaged the work you do now?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
How do I get a girl to like me?
Asked by NorbertFish4 | 12 responses -
Absinthe manufacture and sale now legal in France after 96 years, how are you celebrating?
Asked by everephebe | 9 responses -
(NSFW) Isn't a blowjob a blowjob?
Asked by Zen_Again | 162 responses -
Which specific place on the planet would you like to run naked?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 37 responses -
What celebrities/politicians/famous people would you put in all the circles of hell?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 11 responses -
What is the next catastrophe you see happening?
Asked by vinnylo | 16 responses -
Pretend that vampires are real- What do you do with your family after you're turned?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 18 responses -
On a scale from 0 to 10, how do you rate the numbers in that scale?
Asked by rebbel | 11 responses -
How do you face people you dislike?
Asked by everephebe | 20 responses -
Do aliens hate cows?
Asked by Pele | 36 responses -
In regards to psychological and social development, do you believe children should have gender-specific toys?
Asked by Plucky | 48 responses -
Do you think it's easier to over feed / create an obese baby when you use a bottle to feed them?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 23 responses -
Keys, wallet stolen. We have the perps on tape, we have their names. What should we do next?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 17 responses -
"Great Green Gobs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts"... Anyone remember this song?
Asked by Seelix | 33 responses
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