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What are you going to do on your Last Day? (May 21st)
Asked by Rarebear | 22 responses -
Do you have a daily news diet?
Asked by YoH | 13 responses -
How do you change at nightime?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 25 responses -
[NSFW] Would you prefer adult films be more realistic? [See details]?
Asked by ETpro | 22 responses -
What could be the fastest running, flying or swimming animal on Earth with a 100 lb human on it's back?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
What are you doing on this lazy Sunday?
Asked by jca | 33 responses -
If you're in the Central Time Zone, when is the best time to ask a question on Fluther?
Asked by marialisa | 9 responses -
Why do I have this twitchy, spasmy reaction to some pot?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 13 responses -
What are some ideas for symbolism that relate to suicide prevention that I could use in a project about Romeo and Juliet?
Asked by DThorn | 13 responses -
Daily Habits: In what manner do you drink water usually?
Asked by krrazypassions | 26 responses -
If you were a mad scientist, what type of monster would you build?
Asked by HungryGuy | 29 responses -
I know corporate higher-ups can be soulless and carniverous, but how can they do this? (See details)
Asked by Ladymia69 | 54 responses -
Why do you think some people have an easier time finding dates online and others prefer to do it in person?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
If I got a dime every time _______, I'd be so rich!
Asked by Pele | 26 responses -
Will you play Farmville to hear Lady Gaga's new songs before the album drops on May 23?
Asked by jonsblond | 14 responses -
Are men less considerate of women than they used to be in the past generations? What are your bad and good opinions on guys now?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 17 responses -
How would you season those Frisbee style mushrooms for a burger substitute?
Asked by Aster | 6 responses -
What would satisfy you beyond the shadow of a doubt that belief in a higher form of Being was justified?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies from iPhone | 68 responses -
How to deal with debilitiating illness?
Asked by Cruiser | 10 responses -
Tell us your ultimate dessert.
Asked by blueiiznh | 43 responses -
Personal fountain for my room?
Asked by lrk | 8 responses -
Will Ron Paul do better or worse running for President this next time around?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 13 responses -
Should I stay or should I go now?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 11 responses -
What is some more music like this?
Asked by XOIIO | 9 responses -
At what temperature does a photon explode?
Asked by radcliff | 12 responses -
Are you more likely to hear your upstairs neighbor than your downstairs neighbor?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 9 responses -
Is it awkward if your bestfriend (girl) is liked by your other bestfriend (guy)?
Asked by chk8n from iPhone | 9 responses -
What makes General Motors an American coporation?
Asked by LostInParadise | 12 responses -
Any suggestions on getting health insurance in California?
Asked by Falkor | 4 responses -
Calling inlaws "Mom" and "Dad" - does this still happen?
Asked by Seelix | 22 responses -
Is there really something wrong with being gay?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 278 responses -
Have you guys in parts of the world other than in Europe hear about the disappearance of Madeleine Mc Cann?
Asked by lemming | 15 responses -
Why does the honey bottle warn "Do not feed to children under one year of age"?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 12 responses -
What's a good company that makes laptop backpacks?
Asked by lrk | 5 responses -
How much do you value innocence in children?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses
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