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What's a kind way to bow out of an event that you're asked to volunteer for, without being offensive to the person requesting?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
What was the most fun you have had on a car trip?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 8 responses -
Is modesty or a sense of propriety confused with puritanicalism?
Asked by rooeytoo | 26 responses -
What is your workday like?
Asked by Cruiser | 20 responses -
Are China's claims to the majority of the 'South China Sea' unethical?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 23 responses -
If animals had human language, what do you think they would tell us?
Asked by Sneki95 | 16 responses -
Where and when did the belief that Vikings wore horned helmets originate?
Asked by rojo | 8 responses -
Ethical question and personal details?
Asked by Unbroken | 27 responses -
Does the pope not realize calling the banning of the gay cure "Christian Persecution" he is literally proving he has has a serious persecution complex?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 12 responses -
Skirts and dresses in the US as menswear, would men ever embrace it enough to wear them?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 25 responses -
Enough of the nicey niceness, can you tell us of a time when you resorted to bluntness equal to, or bordering on, rude?
Asked by ibstubro | 20 responses -
Is anyone else here tired of anti-tobacco hysteria?
Asked by SmashTheState | 111 responses -
Anyone here who is a good JavaScript coder or can recommend someone who is?
Asked by ETpro | 6 responses -
Out of the following porn stars who is the hottest: Kiara Mia, Kelly Divine, Jessica Bangkok, Ava Rose or Angelina Castro ?
Asked by sajahet24 from iPhone | 2 responses -
Do you have an authentic cannelloni recipe?
Asked by Earthbound_Misfit | 2 responses -
What are the benefits of green tea?
Asked by Aster | 5 responses -
Anybody have any amusing jury duty stories?
Asked by canidmajor | 32 responses -
NSFW: Ever had sex through underwear?
Asked by FrigorNoir | 11 responses -
Should rent control exist?
Asked by rem1981 | 8 responses -
What if homosexuality is proved to be genetic?
Asked by jballzz | 47 responses -
Can our society thrive better without homosexuality?
Asked by Eggie | 75 responses -
Where does homosexuality come from?
Asked by spiritual | 42 responses -
What do you think about Transhumanism?
Asked by JoyousLove | 9 responses -
[Science and the world of tomorrow] Limited sentient female automatons, how relevant would that leave women in regard to men in general?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 31 responses -
[Fluff time] In the Matrix who were really the slaves and who was really free?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses -
The love of my life broke up with me. What should I do?
Asked by quintessence from iPhone | 14 responses -
Will the new Answerbag be a boom or bust when it opens on Oct 20th?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 11 responses -
Do you think "Heaven On Earth" is possible... and what does it look/feel like to you?
Asked by FlutherBug | 9 responses -
Did close permanently?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 35 responses -
Do the materials used in building a house have any effect on the price of the house?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 8 responses -
Have you ever heard (and liked) a song in a language you don't speak?
Asked by Sneki95 | 41 responses -
Has new information caused you to revise your opinion about something?
Asked by trolltoll | 47 responses -
Do you bring your dog with you when you go inside a store or restaurant?
Asked by Esteban1 from iPhone | 54 responses -
If you had a few months off, what would your day-to-day look like?
Asked by the_overthinker | 7 responses -
How come restaurants don't offer a "Not a Senior" discount?
Asked by rem1981 | 24 responses