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What food would you add to my list in details?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
Can problems (real or imagined) be solved by silence, with the lack of conversation?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 9 responses -
Do you know any synonyms for "toilet", that are NOT euphemisms?
Asked by ragingloli | 15 responses -
Why not Capitalist Libertarianism!
Asked by mrrich724 | 21 responses -
How does your delivery system work in the USA?
Asked by LornaLove | 11 responses -
Restaurant, Coffee Shoppe, Coffee Shop or Cafe?
Asked by LornaLove | 11 responses -
Have you ever been really horny at work? [NSFW]?
Asked by TheGreatHope | 6 responses -
Have you ever used a SAD lamp?
Asked by Mariah | 6 responses -
Now that the FBI and (presumably) the DoJ have concluded the email investigation is a non-starter, is there time to launch yet another Benghazi Committee investigation?
Asked by rojo | 13 responses -
Does anyone do normal exercise anymore?
Asked by Buffaloman | 28 responses -
Are guys who walk around sagging so much they have to keep yanking up their breeches or holding them up to keep them off their ankles are like women who have shorts or skirts so short they have to keep tugging them down?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
What should happen to a customer at a store, or transit system without proof of purchase?
Asked by flo | 9 responses -
If men really have it better or easier if a woman has the chance to be a man wouldn't she logically take it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 18 responses -
Flutherites. If you could change one thing about men, what would you change? (Details )
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 15 responses -
Why oh WHY was this computer 5 days and 3 hours and 20 minutes off?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 1 response -
What are some acronyms you use or know of?
Asked by Cruiser | 43 responses -
What would be the advantage of carpet vs rubber on the floor of your vehicle?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 10 responses -
How much of the stuff we recycle actually makes it to recycling centers?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 7 responses -
What is your "What the hell did I just watch?" moment?
Asked by Sneki95 | 9 responses -
Are there food scents that make you giddy?
Asked by BellaB | 13 responses -
Would a single worldwide currency solve lots of problems? (Details )
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 14 responses -
Why does my cat sleep on my feet?
Asked by Jennyrhappy from iPhone | 8 responses -
What can I do to make my hair & skin as beautiful as ever?
Asked by FlutherBug | 8 responses -
With the haul of gold medals by the US in the last Olympics stood up aside where the US ranks in education does it seem the US is more focused on sports and competition than education?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 16 responses -
Men, what do you find hard to understand about women?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 146 responses -
Will the hippies be missed?
Asked by rem1981 | 55 responses -
Will you interfere with people that interfere with nature?
Asked by Unofficial_Member | 21 responses -
How do you force someone to come to church?
Asked by sajahet24 from iPhone | 21 responses -
Why for the most part are people so distracted when it comes to driving?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 25 responses -
What's your opinion of "rubbernecking"? Checking out, or driving slowly by, a crime scene or accident?
Asked by ibstubro | 21 responses -
Sex trafficking of minors redux, how did the captors pull it off so long?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 7 responses -
How do I roleplay perfect 18+ mental stats?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
If I asked you (& I am) to recall any memorable (good or bad) clothing items from your childhood, which would you remember with fondness or indeed horror?
Asked by ucme | 45 responses -
Americans. I realise Scottish people are annoying but does that justify setting fire to them in the street?
Asked by Lightlyseared from iPhone | 19 responses -
Do you, or did you watch "Miami Vice"?
Asked by azlotto | 6 responses