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Married people: Have you ever thought you were actually meant to be single?
Asked by Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One | 18 responses -
Why can't I get over this prick?
Asked by newyorkblondie | 14 responses -
How are you?
Asked by josie | 51 responses -
Which rich people do you admire. Which rich people do you disdain. What is the difference?
Asked by josie | 19 responses -
Would you save the life of a wasp?
Asked by jonsblond | 70 responses -
No doubt that money can buy everything except health and moral values. Everything else can be bought, right!
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 28 responses -
Does anyone have comments on the death of the great Ornette Coleman?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 6 responses -
What to say when someone asks how old I am?
Asked by bbaljm1990 | 17 responses -
What's your experience with silicone bakeware?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses -
Are you a Baby Boomer, a member of Generation X, or a Baby X?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 15 responses -
Where does Clark Kent make his transformation into Superman these days?
Asked by ibstubro | 29 responses -
Have you ever been treated like you are a problem?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Can someone explain why pergolas have become a popular feature on decks and patios?
Asked by lynfromnm | 9 responses -
Which TV show would you choose to be stuck in for 1 month?
Asked by Devilishtreat | 52 responses -
In your experience what is the best way to attract Twitter followers?
Asked by Mat74UK | 4 responses -
Does anyone here have any advertising or artistic experience?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
Do you think that some doctors think their patients are just hypochondriacs?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
When did you last eat a food that was totally new or foreign to you?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses -
Do you not think it rude if my husband asks me to make dinner and then cancels after I have made the preparations to go out with one of his friends instead for dinner ?
Asked by chinchin31 | 13 responses -
[NSFW] Why would a woman who could suck a bowling ball through 8 feet of garden hose be a good thing?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 14 responses -
Does avoiding a certain group of people clash with your sense of morality?
Asked by longgone | 15 responses -
Are you the chef?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 10 responses -
Do we have (or will have soon) a periodic table of sub-atomic elements?
Asked by talljasperman | 4 responses -
At what age do people typically start to believe that society is on the decline?
Asked by longgone | 21 responses -
Now that the weather in the US seems to be really heating up, do you have any unconventional 'cold food' recommendations?
Asked by ibstubro | 21 responses -
Is it normal that my boss keeps apologizing to me?
Asked by Heather13 | 9 responses -
Is this a life you could ever imagine?
Asked by chyna | 14 responses -
Have you ever had anyone pester you for money?
Asked by Magical_Muggle | 24 responses -
What is Remacc.Ammyy and why does it show up on my messages?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 6 responses -
What's the best dip for Doritos chips?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
How young is too young?
Asked by TooOldForYou from iPhone | 13 responses -
Do you think ABC Family should change the title of their channel after airing the raunchy comedy "Knocked Up" a few days ago?
Asked by rockfan | 11 responses -
Can you show me some examples of a girl with faraway eyes?
Asked by rojo | 9 responses -
Would the Cannibal Cop still be in jail if he had any other job?
Asked by cheebdragon from iPhone | 3 responses -
What classic movies do you feel are under appreciated these days?
Asked by rockfan | 18 responses