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(NSFW) What is the most times you have masturbated in one day?
Asked by anniereborn | 22 responses -
On line at the supermarket and the person in front of you appears to have abandoned their cart at the cashier, leaving it for you to deal with: What would you do?
Asked by jca | 44 responses -
Abusive-Verbal/Mental/Physical - Please help me!
Asked by Sycorax | 111 responses -
[NSFW] When it comes to booty calls, who has the more advantageous position, the caller or the one called?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 15 responses -
[NSFW] A guy question, if you met a woman perfect for you but she was muscle bound would that enhance or hurt your attraction for her?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Is this normal? (read details) [possibly NSFW]?
Asked by bluish | 22 responses -
(NSFW) Is it a universally common thing for boys to measure their johnsons?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 29 responses -
If a woman bends over in front of you with a loose top on, do you look? NSFW?
Asked by crissy14 | 32 responses -
Is there a word that you used to use all the time that you seldom use any more? [Possible NSFW]?
Asked by ibstubro | 19 responses -
[Possibly NSFW] What can I add to my husband's Amazon gift wish list?
Asked by Earthbound_Misfit | 12 responses -
How old were you when you found your first pornographic material (NSFW)
Asked by talljasperman | 14 responses -
(NSFW) Guys, if and when, a woman sends you intimate pics of themselves, is your first reaction "EW! GROSS!"?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 54 responses -
[NSFW] What do you believe motivates women to have sex with canines?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 84 responses -
How well do you handle life's challenges?
Asked by jonsblond | 7 responses -
Americans (and people from other countries), what do you expect from foreigners during conversations?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 20 responses -
What songs remind you of what movies?
Asked by jca | 16 responses -
Will copper polish also polish brass?
Asked by jca | 2 responses -
Anyone on Pottermore?
Asked by Magical_Muggle | 9 responses -
What do you think when the assistant is the wife?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 25 responses -
Which poses a greater threat to your personal safety?
Asked by johnpowell | 7 responses -
When will we know that we have reversed Global Warming?
Asked by josie | 23 responses -
Did a specific person dream up the "Atheist Atom"?
Asked by josie | 5 responses -
Why doesn't the government try to solve calorie inequality the same way they try to solve income inequality?
Asked by josie | 20 responses -
To rent or buy (if you could do it all over again)
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 40 responses -
What foods or dishes do you love, that you are surprised to find out that other people don't like?
Asked by Kardamom | 44 responses -
What would be on your list of things to buy for a new puppy?
Asked by longgone | 34 responses -
When did Global Warming start?
Asked by josie | 8 responses -
Why Americans don't seem to care about mass killings in Syria?
Asked by chelle21689 | 22 responses -
Have you ever experienced stench so bad you could taste it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
Have you ever eaten something that sounded delicious, that turned out to taste terrible?
Asked by Kardamom | 22 responses -
What would be the best holiday you have ever been on?
Asked by Magical_Muggle | 8 responses -
Have you ever had puppies? If so, how many?
Asked by wsxwh111 | 8 responses -
Has a misspelled word so flummoxed you that you never forgot the episode? [Story ahead!]?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Why do woman file for divorce about 70% of the time?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 26 responses -
Do you like to participate in cat rooms?
Asked by Kardamom | 14 responses