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How to stop subwoofer buzzing?
Asked by poofandmook | 9 responses -
How would you feel if your S/O gave you a box of chocolates for Valentines day....and then your S/O ate them all before you even got to eat one?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 23 responses -
Do you have any fun or interesting websites you'd like to 'advertise' for?
Asked by keobooks | 12 responses -
What does your mail man smell like?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 14 responses -
What are your top 3 useful/favourite inventions?
Asked by MilkyWay | 26 responses -
Who watches network daytime TV these days? And why?
Asked by gailcalled | 13 responses -
What do you want to toot your own horn about?
Asked by keobooks | 27 responses -
Is "tooting your own horn" a desirable trait?
Asked by janbb | 23 responses -
Are we losing control over our life to machines?
Asked by talljasperman | 7 responses -
Would you say this statement is true: "We're all the same except for the choices we make."?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
Why is the NFL tax exempt?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
Is it selfish to commit suicide when you know that the person who is going to find you will be one of your kids?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 32 responses -
(NSFW) Why won't girls admit that they are watching porn?
Asked by zapatagong | 37 responses -
How would you feel if you got a modest box of chocolates from your Valentine on Valentines day...?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
Do you think that people with college degrees are smarter than those who choose not to attend college?
Asked by AndrewThan35 | 35 responses -
Do your personal standards of hygiene differ if you are not planning to go out all day?
Asked by jca | 20 responses -
Would you rather have one large stain on your shirt or two smaller stains?
Asked by Stinley | 9 responses -
Will automatic brake assist prevent a driver from deliberately running down someone in traffic?
Asked by talljasperman | 5 responses -
Have you watched Normal Heart? And what do you think of it?
Asked by wsxwh111 | 12 responses -
Should I say something to my husband?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 31 responses -
Would you like to interview a serial killer? Who?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 6 responses -
If you were freed up from work, school or other family members' needs and were able to move anywhere in the country (or anywhere in the world, for that matter), where would you choose to live (or would you stay put)?
Asked by jca | 32 responses -
What's your earliest memory?
Asked by awomanscorned | 19 responses -
If your teenager was drinking regularly and doing very dangerous behavior would you stop drinking?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 9 responses -
Have you ever had someone tell you a horrifying story, but delivered it in a casual, blase way?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 10 responses -
Have you ever tried to calm down and reassure a Guinea Pig?
Asked by talljasperman | 9 responses -
How can she resolve this conflict with a neatnik?
Asked by Aster | 16 responses -
Betting websites in the uk?
Asked by tonygiles | 8 responses -
How effective would the deployment of carnivorous dinosaurs be against ISIS?
Asked by ragingloli | 16 responses -
What are your emergency situations regarding health?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 7 responses -
So, how did/is your Friday 13th go/going?
Asked by ucme | 67 responses -
What Internet radio stations do you like?
Asked by jaytkay | 7 responses -
Describe some things you may do if locked in a funeral home all night.
Asked by Mastema | 23 responses -
What causes deep vertical lines on seniors' foreheads?
Asked by Aster | 12 responses -
What would be an ideal Valentine gift for Jason Voorhees?
Asked by ucme | 22 responses