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Have you ever said no and the person went ahead anyway?
Asked by talljasperman | 21 responses -
Do your emotions rule you more than you rule your emotions?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 13 responses -
Have you ever witnessed an animal being killed, specifically for you to eat?
Asked by jca | 39 responses -
Is home health care or a retirement community/assisted living facility a better choice for disabled seniors?
Asked by StaceyD | 7 responses -
Do you think Mr. Barrow did it in Downton Abbey?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
What's your favorite mint flavoring?
Asked by ibstubro | 19 responses -
What would you do if you have a sore in your throat, or have a pharyngitis?
Asked by wsxwh111 | 15 responses -
In your opinion who stays angry longer men, or women?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 15 responses -
(NSFW) Is there an inception porn parody?
Asked by XOIIO from iPhone | 6 responses -
What elegant foods would you want served if you were attending figure skating competition party?
Asked by Kardamom | 33 responses -
How do you feel about China manipulating its weather?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 17 responses -
Would a bounty of 1 Billion dollars to the government who captures and kill ISIS leaders work?
Asked by Pandora | 10 responses -
Do you ever have trouble going to bed?
Asked by longgone | 22 responses -
Why is the Vietnam war not considered one of the world's greatest disasters when all America did was kill millions, destroy a culture and then leave the country?
Asked by jasper1890 | 33 responses -
What would you do if you are called too clingy, too dependent on others and feel too sorry for yourself?
Asked by talljasperman | 9 responses -
How long could you tolerate staying home, assuming you've got no health conditions, before you get restless and feel an urge to go somewhere outside of your house/property?
Asked by jca | 37 responses -
Can you give me advice on finding someone to make my website?
Asked by JLeslie | 12 responses -
Do you like [all] children?
Asked by longgone | 32 responses -
Is there something you would never give up even if you were told it would eventually kill you?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 16 responses -
Do you know any man who has done this in his marriage?
Asked by Aster | 22 responses -
Do you think that prayer actually accomplishes anything?
Asked by babaji | 23 responses -
(NSFW) Why would a guy asking what kind of food to eat after getting his wisdom teeth removed result in having intimate dreams about him?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 7 responses -
Why would a guy tell a girl he really likes that he is just joking and not serious about being attracted to her?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 6 responses -
Have you had any profound thoughts lately, or heard any profound thoughts by someone else that you'd like to share?
Asked by jca | 16 responses -
What is the biggest distinction between these two words?
Asked by Unbroken | 6 responses -
US colonist, do you remember a time when “Made in America” was not needed on most items, because most items were made here in America?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 1 response -
How many products or items do you use getting ready in the morning?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 28 responses -
Can you name some "Super Bowl foods," and why do you associate it with the Super Bowl?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 18 responses -
Can you play matchmaker? Where are the tall women at ?(possibly NSFW) (Details Inside).
Asked by talljasperman | 8 responses -
How to overcome a fear of sleep?
Asked by Unbroken | 9 responses -
How could a person have "liked" a Facebook post if they hadn't even gotten into Facebook yet today?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
What is your unpopular opinion?
Asked by jonsblond | 47 responses -
Is heteronormativity a natural complex of the human being?
Asked by SloanFaunus | 8 responses -
When do you feel at your worst and what causes it?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 5 responses -
Why would a deceased loved one only visit you one time?
Asked by Aster | 27 responses