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Can I run Ubuntu?
Asked by swimmindude2496 | 17 responses -
I just bought a macbook pro and love it...can I take the install cds, and use it to replace my windows xp os?
Asked by pplufthesun | 11 responses -
How can I open AIM on my MacBook?
Asked by Frankie | 6 responses -
What happened to my iChat?
Asked by DeanV | 35 responses -
In editing HD video using a laptop, what are the minimum specifications needed?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 5 responses -
Did I just Reistall Mac OS X?
Asked by monsoon | 4 responses -
What MacBook hard drive upgrade do you recommend?
Asked by MrGuilt | 6 responses -
Is there any way to save an '05 MacBook after spilling hot cocoa on it?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 11 responses -
Asked by jtvoar16 | 12 responses -
How do I clean an always smudgy macbook screen?
Asked by dans85 | 9 responses -
Where should I put a game on my mac so that multiple accounts can access it?
Asked by monsoon from iPhone | 9 responses -
Should I buy snow leopard?
Asked by rguest | 11 responses -
Why won't my iPhone 3G's bluetooth work with my MacBook Pro?
Asked by Fred931 | 5 responses -
Why i cannot send a file from my cell phone to my macbook through bluetooth?
Asked by 2late2be | 1 response -
How to copy and paste on a macbook?
Asked by 2late2be | 4 responses -
Are there any PC laptops than can compare to the quality of Macbooks?
Asked by Evan | 45 responses -
Could bad RAM be causing this computer problem?
Asked by nikipedia | 18 responses -
Where's the least expensive place to buy a new MacBook?
Asked by ttunguz | 5 responses -
Is OSX Mountain Lion worth getting?
Asked by FrankStitt | 13 responses -
Help! I can't name my ipod?
Asked by hungerforpizza | 4 responses -
I want to buy a MacBook. Should I wait for the new line (if there is) in September or buy one now?
Asked by ohmyfluther | 20 responses -
Should I get a MacBook or MacBook Pro?
Asked by gsiener | 8 responses -
Macbook keyboard issues?
Asked by prprprprpr | 4 responses -
Can someone help me with this Mac problem?
Asked by dxs | 5 responses -
1 GB memory vs. 1.5 GB in Macbook?
Asked by heresjohnny | 3 responses