TV shows
a.k.a. TV series.
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Do you feel that some media shouldn't be distributed via streaming and digital services(Netlfix, Hulu, etc)
Asked by RedKnight | 6 responses -
How does a writers strike work?
Asked by ccatron | 3 responses -
What movie is a holiday tradition as far as you're concerned?
Asked by deaddolly | 54 responses -
What's a tv show from the 90's that you loved or miss?
Asked by shpadoinkle_sue | 45 responses -
Can someone explain promotional photos for TV shows and movies?
Asked by tom_g | 11 responses -
Is there any current half hour comedies on television right now that are any good?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 14 responses -
What do we NOT see on Chopped?
Asked by simone54 | 8 responses -
Who is the best Star Trek captain?
Asked by 2TFX | 27 responses -
House, Monk, Bones etc.? Which show gets your vote for 2008?
Asked by GAMBIT | 31 responses -
What equipment do you need to make a movie review?
Asked by GorillaWolf04 from iPhone | 8 responses -
What do people find appealing about shows like Maury and Doctor Phil, and all that courtroom stuff?
Asked by Nullo | 17 responses -
Does Isis really belong on Top Model?
Asked by sands | 7 responses -
[NSFW] If you were going to be on the TV show Naked and Afraid, how would you groom?
Asked by gorillapaws | 7 responses -
What are upbeat, touching fantasy TV series like Early Edition and Quantum Leap (80s/90s welcomed)?
Asked by thorvitz | 7 responses -
If I like Conan the Barbarian, what else would I like?
Asked by Berserker | 29 responses -
South Park or Family Guy?
Asked by atr408 | 21 responses -
Why did Jack Horkheimer change the name of his show from Star Hustler to Star Gazer?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 3 responses -
Can you remember this T.V. show?
Asked by Only138 | 8 responses -
When will Bigbang theory 4 start?
Asked by JEE | 6 responses -
In your opinion, what TV shows have "jumped the shark"?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 23 responses -
Is Merlin coming back?
Asked by kateums | 3 responses -
Why doesn't DWTS just play the original songs?
Asked by KTWBE | 7 responses -
How can I start liking Breaking Bad?
Asked by guywithanaccountnow | 22 responses -
Why do you think that Phoenix isn't counted among the "great" cities?
Asked by evegrimm | 56 responses -
Who's watching Conan O'Brien's last show tonight?
Asked by VanCityKid | 38 responses