TV shows
a.k.a. TV series.
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Is there a TV show that is widely ridiculed that you secretly liked?
Asked by ibstubro | 34 responses -
How can I keep track of the movies and documentaries I have seen?
Asked by albert_e | 9 responses -
What is Sookie Stackhouse?
Asked by Zuma | 263 responses -
Team Peter Griffin or Team Homer Simpson?
Asked by sydsydrox | 22 responses -
On the series true blood, the vampires cry you think that they would ejaculate blood during intercourse?
Asked by evil2 | 23 responses -
What TV show did you not expect to like, but ended up loving it?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 44 responses -
After watching two Walking Dead seasons, which characters would you prefer not to be dead?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 15 responses -
What do you think of the new Stargate show Stargate: Universe?
Asked by Hellfrost | 31 responses -
Team COCO or team Leno?
Asked by Dr_C | 28 responses -
What is your favorite concert that you've been to and or seen on YouTube?
Asked by cletrans2col | 21 responses -
Do you ever cry watching a movie or TV show & if so, what was the most recent occurence of this?
Asked by ucme | 49 responses -
If there was a way to remove part of your memory would you do it?
Asked by coffeenut | 23 responses -
What should I do in Vegas?
Asked by nickbaum | 19 responses -
Modern Family, best show on network tv?
Asked by CBrennan15 | 10 responses -
Why do they always serve Chinese food and pizza in tv shows and movies?
Asked by AshlynM | 22 responses -
Have you added a catchphrase to your vocabulary that has originated from a show or movie?
Asked by syz | 11 responses -
Are there any actors that you don't care for simply due to a role they once played?
Asked by poofandmook | 20 responses -
Do you remember Wally's Filling Station, Foley's Market, Walker's Drug Store and the original Floyd's Barber Shop?
Asked by Strauss | 15 responses -
What is your favorite old Hollywood classic film of all time?
Asked by AloraCrimson | 60 responses -
Have you ever seen the show "Mad Men" and if so, what is your opinion of it?
Asked by jca2 | 6 responses -
Fairy tale comeback?
Asked by global_nomad | 18 responses -
What was the least won on Jeopardy?
Asked by Smashley | 6 responses -
What is the best situation comedy?
Asked by Sebulba | 31 responses -
Does it bother you when people use sex and violence in the same question ?
Asked by justme1 | 24 responses -
Combine titles of movies/tv shows/books or songs to form imaginary sports results?
Asked by ucme | 18 responses