TV shows
a.k.a. TV series.
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What movie, or movie scene would you want to personally live, and why?
Asked by TossingSpades | 15 responses -
What game could "Milking Cromock" have been?
Asked by rebbel | 1 response -
How often does Netflix get new movies/TV shows?
Asked by Seelix | 8 responses -
What are the differences between "The Outer Limits" and "The Twilight Zone"?
Asked by luigirovatti | 13 responses -
What's the deal with these TV shows based off of websites?
Asked by erichw1504 | 13 responses -
What would be a tv show that you would cancel tomorrow if you had the chance & what would you replace it with?
Asked by ucme | 46 responses -
What is your favourite performance given by a child actor?
Asked by ucme | 42 responses -
Americans, what is your favorite television show from a different country? All others, what is your favorite US television show?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 44 responses -
What are some safe FREE tv show websites?
Asked by College_girl | 15 responses -
Who are the sex symbols of science fiction?
Asked by SmashTheState | 35 responses -
What are the best Outer Limits episodes (from the 1990s series)?
Asked by marmoset | 5 responses -
What's your morning routine on days that you're off?
Asked by jca2 | 16 responses -
Was Lost the greatest show...or what?
Asked by Charlev | 16 responses -
TV series to watch on a plane?
Asked by Bellatrix | 45 responses -
Trekkies (Trekkers); how do you view Enterprise in the scheme of things Star Trek?
Asked by zensky | 18 responses -
Scariest/creepiest twilight zone episode?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 16 responses -
Is it just me or do makeover shows seem to choose people who aren't actually unattractive?
Asked by tedibear | 16 responses -
How come Lois Lane doesn't know that Clark is Superman when all that is different is that he wears glasses?
Asked by ubersiren | 53 responses -
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution: Is it disgusting what American schools feed it's students?
Asked by MoneyMakingMommy | 81 responses -
Before I ask this question, Yes, I do know wrestling is just a show but does anyone else think it's crappy how The Rock can leave wrestling and come back when he feels like it and have everything handed to him on a silver platter?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 46 responses -
Do you ever recognize "inside" jokes in movies or TV?
Asked by Strauss | 15 responses -
Star Trek: final (and serious) question for the night?
Asked by seazen | 36 responses -
What is your favorite spy movie?
Asked by athenasgriffin | 17 responses -
What would be a bizarre/weird TV show you maybe watched as a kid?
Asked by ucme | 29 responses -
Do you still watch cartoons?
Asked by Joker94 | 54 responses