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How can I create a creative outside work space?
Asked by zookeeny | 11 responses -
Can you help me remember the name of this artist?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 16 responses -
What does dreadnought guitar mean?
Asked by whitecarnations | 7 responses -
If you were to choose a pseudonym under to which to publish/sell/display a work, what would it be?
Asked by Jude | 24 responses -
I'm looking for artists who paint in a style similar to that of Sam Francis?
Asked by avartan | 6 responses -
What makes art, ''good'' art?
Asked by minolta | 11 responses -
Where is the center of art? music? writing? these days?
Asked by skfinkel | 13 responses -
What is at the center of your world?
Asked by BronxLens | 65 responses -
Do any of you have any tips for me on learning to play electric guitar?
Asked by stevenb | 20 responses -
Bespoke Art; What picture would you have someone paint for you?
Asked by nebule | 30 responses -
What is a clever idea to do for my Van Gogh presentation?
Asked by Finley | 16 responses -
Art Non-Profits for Under Served Youth?
Asked by KarmaCrash | 6 responses -
Anyone have artistic inspiration to share?
Asked by Fluthyou | 11 responses -
I need some ideas for my art project with the theme "Transformation"?
Asked by nat_xD | 14 responses -
Has any artist modeled their dreams in miniature before?
Asked by TexasDude | 18 responses -
Have you ever gotten Command products to work?
Asked by marinelife | 6 responses -
How have you found your own creative style?
Asked by Ladymia69 | 12 responses -
What's the difference between Elmer's Glue, and Elmer's Glue Interior?
Asked by truecomedian | 3 responses -
Is Civic Virtue Triumphant Over Unrighteousness sexist?
Asked by bolwerk | 13 responses -
What scholarships/grants are available to a high-school student who wants to go on a 10 day trip to France and Italy to study art?
Asked by mackyish | 6 responses -
Will paper mache be fine left in below zero weather?
Asked by the_overthinker | 8 responses -
When you see a flower what do you think about?
Asked by auhsojsa | 19 responses -
Whats your opinion on current impressionism and plein air art?
Asked by Glow | 15 responses -
Art & Finance question: Are there still "Patrons of the arts" or is that not really done anymore?
Asked by gottamakeart | 8 responses -
How much is Dale Chihuly worth? (his net worth)?
Asked by iliveliv | 4 responses