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What are some potentially lucrative things I can trade on ebay and elsewhere?
Asked by pallen123 | 8 responses -
Would you consider a "graphic novel" to be literature?
Asked by Strauss | 52 responses -
Should I attribute the font designer on a piece of artwork?
Asked by serenityNOW from iPhone | 3 responses -
In poetry,which syllables and words get stressed ?
Asked by joab | 6 responses -
Does the cover art of a book determine if you will pick it up and read it?
Asked by willbrawn from iPhone | 19 responses -
Anyone ever made a pomander?
Asked by Supergirl | 23 responses -
I have a question for fans of the Watchmen (the graphic novel, not the movie)...
Asked by dalepetrie | 15 responses -
If artistic nude photography were to be banned here, what would be your reaction?
Asked by kenmc | 46 responses -
so if you are very good at the app paint what kind of jobs can you get/ go for?
Asked by mikeyC from iPhone | 9 responses -
Wouldn't "The Sandman" have been even more amazing if Dave Mckean had illustrated the entire thing?
Asked by Hobbes | 8 responses -
What is your opinion as an artist on the editing techniques used on the TV show 24?
Asked by windex | 7 responses -
Where can i print out poster quality and sized prints of my art?
Asked by iRemy_y | 7 responses -
Would you please help me locate the web address of this innovative, cultural creative adult learning school that teaches online university-level classes for self-knowledge?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 9 responses -
Where can I find a good picture of the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 8 responses -
How do you feel about HR Giger passing away?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
What’s your critique on these paintings?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 13 responses -
How do I make money on the photography (fine art) website I'm starting soon?
Asked by funnynerd | 11 responses -
Which photo editing software is the easiest to use?
Asked by mllerice | 17 responses -
How do you reclaim your muse?
Asked by Iclamae | 15 responses -
My Pelikan just broke and what do I do?
Asked by henry_david | 1 response -
Is there an alternative for Bob Ross paint?
Asked by Moonya | 17 responses -
What are some creative stuff I could do with flowers my friend gave me?
Asked by partyrock from iPhone | 7 responses -
Is there anything better than a Canon S90 point and shoot?
Asked by chelle21689 | 15 responses -
Do you have a favorite Maxfield Parrish? If you do, please share?
Asked by Jude | 12 responses -
As a work of visual art, what album/CD cover art is the best ever?
Asked by davidk | 33 responses