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Why is birth control called birth control? [Details inside].
Asked by rebbel | 11 responses -
What are your thoughts on having one child vs. more than one child?
Asked by erichw1504 | 54 responses -
If the soul enters at conception, then where does it reside?
Asked by Seek | 13 responses -
Care to share your labor and delivery stories?
Asked by erichw1504 | 14 responses -
Do you know any effective ways to induce labor?
Asked by OliviaYR | 17 responses -
Did anyone you know have a baby today, 11/11/11?
Asked by EmptyNest | 8 responses -
What If your mother decided to have an abortion instead of giving birth to you?
Asked by Hibernate | 98 responses -
Men, if you had the ability to conceive a child and your wife didn't, would you?
Asked by silverfly | 65 responses -
After an emergency c-section, is it normal to feel disappointed?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 31 responses -
How severe would health problems have to be for you to terminate a pregnancy?
Asked by nikipedia | 17 responses -
Do you know someone that has given birth in the last five years and has not been induced?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 62 responses -
Over-Population: What do you think about it?
Asked by ninjacolin | 13 responses -
What was the very first thought that went through your head when you saw your newborn baby for the very first time?
Asked by keobooks | 23 responses -
Would you ever emigrate from the US?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 39 responses -
Can a post-menopausal woman be a surrogate mother?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 14 responses -
Is it typical to have a catheter during labor and delivery?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 21 responses -
How should I celebrate my 17th birthday? - its today?
Asked by nailpolishfanatic | 17 responses -
What are some weird cravings that pregnant women have?
Asked by erichw1504 | 34 responses -
What age is too young to have a baby?
Asked by takeachance | 38 responses -
I recently heard that birth itself isn't the life-threatening part, but rather the 2ish weeks post-birth. Can you shed some light on the issue?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 16 responses -
What does 4cm mean?
Asked by takeachance | 18 responses -
Why have a total ban on inbreeding in humans when it is basically 50/50 between pro and con doing it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 18 responses -
Would the world be a better place with half as many people or twice as many?
Asked by 6rant6 | 31 responses -
Is it possible to leave the mother off of a birth certificate?
Asked by Supacase | 11 responses -
After natural birth, how long is a woman in the hospital for?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 14 responses