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Did you know I had a little girl? Would you like to see some pictures?
Asked by bulbatron9 | 66 responses -
Are animals born in the same litter twins?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 6 responses -
May I wish someone a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"?
Asked by sccrowell from iPhone | 8 responses -
What's the difference between a stillbirth and a miscarriage?
Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu | 13 responses -
What are great, imaginative, helpful gifts for a newborn or new parents?
Asked by zina | 14 responses -
What percentage of babies are born on their due date and how accurate is the due date anyway?
Asked by emilyrose | 9 responses -
What are the odds of having a miscarriage?
Asked by mhatley28 from iPhone | 2 responses -
How are babies made?
Asked by ace10 | 9 responses -
When does morning sickness start?
Asked by colog | 14 responses -
When do you start showing?
Asked by colog | 8 responses -
What is the probability of having a baby boy and girl together?
Asked by Izzard | 8 responses -
What's worse: Giving birth, or getting kicked in the balls?
Asked by mirza | 75 responses -
What type of midwife should I become?
Asked by mister_sister | 3 responses