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How do you get through akward phases?
Asked by XoXoDIExOxO | 6 responses -
Is it proper to ask people you meet on fluther to talk with you on the phone or by Skype?
Asked by Dr_Lawrence | 15 responses -
What do you think when someone disappears after a disagreement?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
What is better at first date: to sit at a table facing one another or sit next to each other?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 26 responses -
Do you ever feel the desire to talk to strangers?
Asked by Blackberry | 50 responses -
How do you keep a conversation going?
Asked by omgwhat | 34 responses -
Your favorite dinner party games?
Asked by judyprays | 30 responses -
Do you prefer to spend your time flirting, or in more intense interactions with people you interact with socially?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
What subtle hints do girls drop in conversation?
Asked by davids | 16 responses -
I find it very difficult to listen to people like George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, or Sarah Palin, can you?
Asked by Ron_C | 56 responses -
Did you know that we're having a Town Hall meeting tonight on Fluther?
Asked by augustlan | 33 responses -
Will there be actual plans for a disneyland 'style' theme park in Beijing?
Asked by Luckiecen | 5 responses -
I am shy what should I do to change that?
Asked by PauloD15 | 13 responses -
What are girls interested in?
Asked by PauloD15 | 24 responses -
What is a "Muse"?
Asked by MayBear | 24 responses -
One Word Conversation Starters for Awkward Moments?
Asked by buzzpoet | 40 responses -
Wouldn't be nice if Fluther had some sort of nicely structured archive so you could recall interesting information picked up in the course of discussion without having to remember whole phrases accurately for the search engine?
Asked by anartist | 12 responses -
How do I not be so awkward around my friends?
Asked by smile1 | 12 responses -
Why do i find it difficult to find someone to really talk to? is it me or there are just not a lot of interesting people i know?
Asked by darby_shaw | 12 responses -
In your opinion, what do you like about this website, Fluther?
Asked by SassyPink | 11 responses -
Is he attracted to me, he teases me so
Asked by TheOnlyException | 11 responses -
What cautious responses, if any, should be considered by the adults on this forum when answering the questions of children on this forum?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 20 responses -
What type of adapterconverter would one buy to convert a UK adapter to a US adapter to be able to plug it in?
Asked by roysters5 | 6 responses -
Why do I talk on the phone well but when I'm face to face I am not quite so funny or interesting?
Asked by jctennis123 | 10 responses -
Care to share any excellent analogies that help you understand or explain difficult concepts?
Asked by laureth | 12 responses