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Do you use different social Q&A sites?
Asked by HungryGuy | 31 responses -
How do you change your daily speech to entertain yourself, or be different?
Asked by mowens | 7 responses -
How can I help my friend?
Asked by Ailia | 21 responses -
Do you ever lie about yourself to other people?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 27 responses -
What's a good way to guide and promote intellectual conversation?
Asked by dmanexe | 7 responses -
Defining and using terms in debate and discussion: What are the best practices?
Asked by ninjacolin | 16 responses -
How do you get through awkward conversations?
Asked by Mrgelastic | 22 responses -
Does anyone listen to World Music here?
Asked by _Liliya_ | 36 responses -
Nothing in excess, do you agree?
Asked by gretchenpadams | 12 responses -
Are you good at talking?
Asked by Soubresaut | 34 responses -
What is a good thing to say to a guy who only looks at your chest and not you?
Asked by snowberry | 41 responses -
When a questioned is pushed to editing, why does the lurve stay?
Asked by scotsbloke | 11 responses -
How should I explain death to my four-year-old?
Asked by missyb | 24 responses -
Why are you friends with people?
Asked by nope | 58 responses -
What do you want to happen at a party?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
The next major blockbuster movie is about you! So...what's the title of the film?
Asked by SirGoofy | 25 responses -
Have you as a Fluther "Old-Timer" been properly thanked?
Asked by Corporate_Avenger | 40 responses -
What is the most embarrassing thing your child ever said as a toddler?
Asked by Pandora | 30 responses -
Why do people try and finish your sentences !
Asked by scotsbloke | 20 responses -
Do you have a personal theme song?
Asked by lonelydragon | 36 responses -
Why should we come visit YOUR Country / City?
Asked by scotsbloke | 19 responses -
What would be your Dream Job?
Asked by scotsbloke | 28 responses -
Does your voice also go higher when you talk to a stranger or someone you don't know very well?
Asked by HumourMe | 12 responses -
What do girls dig in guys (other than being polite)
Asked by udontknowme | 29 responses -
Does anybody know the birthdate of rapper Nipsey Hussle?
Asked by IZD90 | 8 responses