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How can I locate someone in the Federal Prison System?
Asked by augustlan | 7 responses -
How does suing someone work? Does the person getting sued have papers served to them?
Asked by AshlynM | 7 responses -
Should children as young as 12 be tried as adults?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 32 responses -
How are the judgements on the "Judge" TV shows enforced?
Asked by kelly | 3 responses -
What credentials/background should the new Supreme Court nominee have?
Asked by filmfann | 43 responses -
Do you watch or agree with Judge Judy?
Asked by filmfann | 29 responses -
Can prisoners testify in court? If so, are there any limitations on what they can and can't say?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 10 responses -
Has anyone ever been able to win their freedom from paying taxes (legally)?
Asked by lilikoi | 19 responses -
Best way to handle an alcohol possesions summons in Maine?
Asked by crazyzo2000 | 9 responses -
Are the Litigants on the Judges court shows paid anything?
Asked by Roby | 4 responses -
Can I beat this ticket?
Asked by FlutherAlot | 49 responses -
HELP. Does anyone have past experience with underage drinking?
Asked by dleon2288 | 22 responses -
Can a victim witness prosecuter ever have their affidavit & court records sealed because of personal information?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 3 responses -
If I put a no contact order on my ex, would it be wrong to associate with his family?
Asked by Kokoro | 18 responses -
Does money equal free speech?
Asked by jerv | 43 responses -
What happens in court?
Asked by disturbed_broken from iPhone | 12 responses -
If I am called to court as a witness, what is my dress code?
Asked by stemnyjones | 19 responses -
Does anyway know a really smart, really child focused child custody evaluator in the SF bay area?
Asked by lilakess | 5 responses -
Can a 5-year-old still be prosecuted for identity theft?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 22 responses -
What is a "Friend of the Court" brief?
Asked by HungryGuy | 5 responses -
Is it possible to file a claim and pursue a case through small claims court from out of state?
Asked by marinelife | 6 responses -
How can I overcome this extreme anxiety from my upcoming travels?
Asked by Clair | 12 responses -
What's different about Juvenile court?
Asked by crunchaweezy | 11 responses -
Do I have a big lawsuit?
Asked by justus2 | 30 responses -
Text messages valid evidence in court?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 10 responses