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Will this counter work for stop sign violation in court?
Asked by whitecarnations | 11 responses -
What determines a suspect's guilt based purely on circumstantial evidence?
Asked by AshlynM | 9 responses -
Should I be scared or aware of something before I testify in court as a witness?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 11 responses -
How does one fight a corporation?
Asked by Zyx | 23 responses -
How do criminals and people get so caught up in crime they can not get out of it ?
Asked by partyrock | 13 responses -
To those who have served juror duty, can you tell me about it?
Asked by rebbel | 9 responses -
If I press charges on someone do I need a lawyer?
Asked by shortyma198633 | 10 responses -
In the last 24 months, was there any occurrence you felt would have been better for you with an attorney involved?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Have you ever sued someone (a civil case)?
Asked by raven860 | 11 responses -
Legal folk: what do I say in this affidavit?
Asked by XD from iPhone | 17 responses -
How does a court wedding play out?
Asked by whitetigress | 8 responses -
What happens if a person can't be found to be served?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 13 responses -
Why would a man in a suit and a cop be looking for me?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 | 19 responses -
What Happens When You Contest A Traffic Ticket?
Asked by Cinamingrl | 14 responses -
If you have ever been ordered to do something that was supposed to be good for you, what did you get out of it?
Asked by wundayatta | 10 responses -
What is the appropriate attire for traffic court?
Asked by girlofscience | 17 responses -
Do you find anything wrong with this ticket for 'running a red light'?
Asked by amazingme | 24 responses -
How can you present a successful case against a Full Stop court appearance?
Asked by dreamwolf | 13 responses -
The court of appeals ordered the defendant to pay our fees. How do we go about getting them?
Asked by superjuicebox | 10 responses -
What would the penalty be for punching a government official in the face?
Asked by Afos22 | 7 responses -
Do you think Amanda Knox will be traumatized for life, from her ordeal in Italy?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
Will I be able to get a company car with a DUI on my record?
Asked by jsc3791 | 16 responses -
How does a person get sworn in during a courtroom session? (Pretty please with sugar on the questions in the details.)?
Asked by Pied_Pfeffer | 9 responses -
If a divorce decree states you can ask for your ex-spouses Tax Documents in Good Faith, what does that include?
Asked by marialisa | 5 responses -
What documents do I need to file a motion to change a child support order?
Asked by radcliff | 6 responses