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Can someone explain to me what kinds of insider trading members of congress are engaging in that the proposed legislation would ban?
Asked by Judi | 9 responses -
Is the sharing economy a good thing?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
Capitalism operates in an essentially competetive field,the winner wins - the loser loses.Does anyone know of any better ways, or is this it?
Asked by lloydbird | 40 responses -
Do you hang out with people from different socio-economic classes?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
Economic-minded Jellies, the Euro goes down in flames, so what, what will it hurt, or not?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Why are so many tech companies undergoing massive layoffs right now?
Asked by Locke | 16 responses -
About home mortgages and bailouts?
Asked by Judi | 49 responses -
"The CIA dropped crack into the inner cities in the 80s under the direction of Reagan," what do you know about this theory?
Asked by dalepetrie | 54 responses -
War, corruption, debt, economic collapse, world protests: how can I cope?
Asked by silverfly | 18 responses -
How should the US address the problem of poverty?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
Have you read your ideological opponents' classic works?
Asked by laureth | 33 responses -
How do I cope -- a woman I cultivated love with appears to be mentally ill and has become homeless?
Asked by Yellowdog | 7 responses -
As the Depression worsens, have you made plans for if it really gets bad?
Asked by marinelife | 24 responses -
How long does it take for car insurance costs to go down after recieving a DUI?
Asked by kenmc | 16 responses -
Since 2008, the Fed has tripled the monetary base: why is there so little inflation?
Asked by Qingu | 51 responses -
Should we get the economy back up and running even if it means more people will die of COVID-19?
Asked by Demosthenes | 56 responses -
Will Cannabis be the saviour of the US?
Asked by Waffle | 50 responses -
Is it unethical to allow your house to be foreclosed?
Asked by LostInParadise | 32 responses -
What kinds of jobs would need an equal balance of left and right-brained qualities in one person?
Asked by Carly | 11 responses -
Is this a sign of a healthy, competitive market?
Asked by jerv | 21 responses -
What will be good currency?
Asked by Judi | 39 responses -
How exactly do boxtops for education work?
Asked by Mariah | 6 responses -
Why is linking the US dollar to the gold standard a good or bad idea?
Asked by sandalman | 22 responses -
Generally speaking, in the long long term do you think people will get richer or poorer?
Asked by flutherother | 31 responses -
Should FDR have told the South to F off?
Asked by capet | 2 responses